Oh well.
How you guys fall for these threads is beyond me.
Somebody once said that to be a pro wrestling ref, you have to take a test and watch the St. Valentine's Day Massacre flick; if you don't see anything illegal throughout the movie, you pass.
In his book Seinlanguage, comedian Jerry Seinfeld comments on the refereeing profession: "And how about the professional wrestling referee? There's a great job. You're a referee in a sport with no rules of any kind. How do you screw that up? The referee is kind of like Larry of the Three Stooges. You don't really need him, but it just wouldn't be the same without him. They must get these guys from the same place the Harlem Globetrotters get their refs. There must be this whole school where they teach you to just kind of run around and not notice anything. They sit you down, show you a film of the rubout scene from Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, and if you don't see anything illegal going on, you're hired."