Sorry if this has been posted already, but
Que viva el fútbol!![]()
Nice. On the right upperside of the still image you can see written Groupe Scolaire Thierno Sileymane Ball which means School group. Sileyman or Souleyman Ball was a senegalese islamic warrior monk from the 18th century who staged a revolution against the weak and corrupt local dynasty who collaborated with the European and arab slavers and then after the revolution succeeded, together with his men he proceeded to unite all the warriors and students to kick these same foreign invader's ass. They managed to kick the arabs back to the desert and in the area they controlled the slave trade with the French and English was outlawed. Souleymane Ball was killed in a battle against an arab nomadic raiders in 1776. But he was succeeded by his lieutenant Abdul-Kader Kane. They (called the torodos) stayed in power until 1881 and the French colonial conquest of the area.
Nothing to do with the game except that yesterday we kicked cac ass Souleyman Ball style and the 2nd goal scorer Mbaye Niang could very well be a descendant of these people because Niang is a Senegalese Fulani surname.

I wrote an article(in french) about that revolution earlier in 2018 which was published by the biggest afro-french fb page/ site: La révolution des marabouts torodo contre l'esclavage
Been a long time I haven't been on the Coli, just wanted to share that. Hope our team will keep going strong.
ps. apparently a serious fight broke out between Senegalese supporters and drunk Polish supporters in Belgium at the end of the game
CDM-2018- Belgique: affrontements entre sénégalais et polonais après le match -
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