I'm a "Breaking Bad" stan but season 4 of "The Wire" is arguably the best season of any show, ever.
season 4 is the goat season of any tv show
season 4 is the best out of the 5, filled with so much tragedy, so many scenes hit me
add me to the list of ppl who say that not only is season4 BY FAR the wire's best season, but i tell any1 who watches tvshows that season4 ranks as the BEST SINGLE SEASON IN TELEVISION DRAMA PERIOD!! that season for all the reasons ppl mentioned already had the most deepest rooted emotional drama that relates to exactly how the street level game works on these kids from an adolescant age. that scene where Chris just snaps on bugs pops, made me really like Chris's character a lot more. it was the first time u see dude react in an emotional manner, shredding his almost terminator-like demeanor he has throughout the season. i became really intrigued by his character alot after that moment.
also the scene early on in season 4, where they try the high school kids and realize quickly "their already lost, their too far gone", so they had to move into the younger school systems. just a powerful powerful season.