These nikkas sound like whole fakkits bringing up August, like thats not a whole different issue. These fatherless nikkas think like females breh. And Im getting sick and tired of the whole "bUt hEs A CoMeDiAn" angle, just like these dumbasses said with DL and Kanye, as if comedians get a pass to get out of pocket with impunity and are exempt from getting checked like anyone else, that, and for some odd reason, they seem to feel some type of way whenever someone they perceive as "soft" stands up for themselves or theirs

Honestly I think its a weird sort of projection because they actually see themselves in folks like Will and Kanye, and dont have the balls to stand up themselves so they take offense at someone else stepping out of their perceived "lane".
Oh, and then you have these fags talking bout "He wOuLdNt HaVe ThiS sAmE EnERgY wItH *insert random figure here*"
Once again, just like with Kanye, funny how this logic doesnt seem to apply to the folks disrespecting em, only them when they lash out.
Yall know damn well DL or Chris Rock wouldnt have that SaMe eNeRgY themselves with anyone not perceived as a "soft target" and neither would anyone else who dogpiled on em, so FOH. As Ive said before, these nikkas pick and choose like a MF