Notice Will acts tough with people he deems non tough
I'll repost this from the Film Room thread:FYI, Jada shaved her head because it was falling out. So basically Rock was making fun of someone with a medical condition. So that was definitely crossing the line.
Game perspective :
This is called a man who's been emasculated by his wife and is seen as a Simp, desperately trying to regain his manhood by doing something he deems "alpha", to simultaneously prove his mandood to his wife and society at large(those watching).
Instead of checking his wife for being an industry skank, crying in interviews about Tupac, putting all your business out there etc
Now he wanna slap skinny ass Chris Rock.
Will is THE poster boy for SIMPS.
Had he checked his wife FIRST when all this Red Table crap started, then slapped people later on , it would be a Boss move.
Lastly brehs got more than just her name in their mouth Will.
1000% on the money.
For all the people who are simping for Jada and Will: her condition is the exact same thing that guys like LeBron, KD and a thousand other celebrities that y'all clown suffer from: spots of baldness. The only difference is the physiological cause which is different (which is why it's a disease) but it has no other serious symptoms to speak of, read about it on wiki. And because it's a woman losing her hair, it's supposed to be more sad because they have to rely on their personality more in life.
For emphasis:
This victim mentality that Jada and Will have about it point to the much more serious conditions that I will confidently speculate they have which is clear to anyone who has ever known a couple with Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Jada is a vindictive disrespectful slut and it been exposed for years now. A guy with an ego like Will cannot accept and own such a fact about his trophy wife. So now they were the "victims" of a comedian doing his job at the Oscars and Will "did what any man would do" if his wife were "attacked".
FYI: 'open relationship' is code for this dynamic. It means they can't stop cheating and are not emotionally healthy enough to admit that to themselves and the outside world so they pretend that it's something they deeply believe in from an open-minded and principled perspective rather than admit that they don't have the perfect relationship and don't live the best lives. This shyt been an epidemic for years now and this is just a high profile culmination of the inevitable dysfunctional consequences of this toxic type of relationship.
Don't just take this in as f*ckery and piff. This is your wake up call for some of y'all personal lives. Dap me later.
People still calling this fake? WTF
It would have made for better fukkery but he did the right
The idea of these 2 tussling on stage![]()