Yes.Overall it looks like a game actually created around a real zombie apocalypse not just a mod for a military simulation game.Also the map is twice as big as day Z.250 players per server compared to 75.Addition of rpg and community elements.Basically dayZx1000.And just $30 bucks.Plus its not just a "concept".They are actually making this game.
it says the map is gonna be 200-400 sq km, so obviously it's not done yet. it's no easy task to make a map that big, and make it semi-realistic. not to mention having it ready for "fall 2012", when it's almost August now
250 players per server sounds nice, but yeah, lets see if they can get the netcode to work well with that
we'll have to see what becomes of this. I just don't know why people get ahead of themselves talking about "first day cop" based on so little. and yeah, the game already sounds too easy to have the appeal of DayZ