you're getting into a lot of points of subjectivity...many of which are framed by a religious view. i do think science provides a clear answer as to when it's murder and that's when it has built all the systems it needs to survive outside the womb (point of viability), which with the advances we've made in technology that's ~24 weeks and why most reasonable states have a 22 week cutoff.
lol - there's nothing "scientific" about using point of viability to call abortion murder. The fetus has the exact same individuality, brain, development, feelings, etc. at 24 weeks right now as a 24-week-old fetus had 40 years ago....but just because technology has advanced, it's murder now and it wasn't murder then? If I'm in a big US city and I want to kill a 25-week-old fetus, you'd say it's murder. But if I move somewhere with poor medical technology where it would have no chance of being viable, can I kill it there since by your definition it's not murder anymore?
Any ideology that attempts to define a life by factors that have absolutely nothing to do with that actual life is suspect off the top.
but for me it is a cut and dry issue, you either believe a woman has the right to choose or she doesn't. you can feel free to judge the decision, think it's disgusting, disagree with it or call it whatever you want, but it's a yes or no on whether she has that choice. and i say this as someone who is personally against abortion - i haven't had one and have encouraged that option for my friends
It's obviously not cut-and-dried, since you feel states should have a 22-week cutoff and that killing a late-term fetus is murder, while other abortion rights activists feel there should be full choice up until the moment of delivery. They would say to you that you've violated the "either the woman has the right to choose or she doesn't" dividing line.
But regardless, we weren't even discussing the right to abortion. We were discussing how we talk about it. You think aborting a 24-week-old fetus is murder, so it seems like you should be favorable to the idea that aborting a somewhat younger fetus is still disturbing, even if you don't want to make it illegal.