The Ultimate Android Guide for Beginners and Experts.


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Nexus 7 vs. iPad 3 - Full Comparison
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The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Google in Beast Mode---Google Only

sign into all of the google service for a full google/android experience
chrome browser sign in sign in sign in sign in

Google Maps Compass Mode Walk Through Using Google Now on Jelly Bean

Offline Google Maps
[ame=""]Go Offline with Google Maps for Android - YouTube[/ame]

Google Now demo at Google I/O 2012

Why google maps cant be fukked with. Sorry Apple

Flight search connects with google now

Google +/Hangout
[ame=""]Nexus 7 - Google+ Hangouts - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Google Plus / Google+ Tutorial for Beginners 2012 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Top 5 Reasons Google+ is Awesome! - YouTube[/ame]

Self-Driving Car Test: Steve Mahan

Transitioning to Gmail

Gmail extras and hidden features

Creating Events in Google Calendar
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The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Why Nexus devices have no SD card

The Internet is hard at work debating the merits of the Nexus 7 tablet, and the biggest arguments are about the lack of expandable storage, or an SD card, as you likely know it. It seems like everyone and their brother has a theory about why the hottest tablet to hit Android so far will be shipping without one. The most popular reason revolves around some conspiracy that Google is to forcing you to use its cloud services. While I'm sure Google would love nothing more than users depending on Google Drive or Google Music -- and there's certainly a big push for it -- that's not the reason devices have been trending away from expandable storage.

Wanna know what it really is? Sure you do.

The lack of an SD card in Nexus devices is nothing new, and we've been over this issue already when the Galaxy Nexus first appeared.

We got tired of seeing OEMs include many GB of internal storage for music, while users were still running out of space for apps and data. This approach lets us merge everything on one volume, which is way better.

-- Dan Morrill, Android engineer at Google

Google still supports removable storage in Android, but it is leading by example and providing phones (and now a tablet) with one big block of storage that users can use for anything they like -- be it media, documents, or apps. There are a couple of side benefits to this approach as well. The first one is a bit geeky -- it allows the device to use ext file systems instead of a mix of ext and FAT. This is faster and safer -- both for the data on the device and the way it's handled, and access to our own personal data. A journalized file system means fewer file errors, and ext preserves file system permissions so random code can't find your pictures or documents folder.

Another benefit is that the host machine (when your device is connected to a computer) can't muck things up and molest the file system, as it doesn't have block-level access to the files. Instead, a proxy FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) file system is used to mount a psuedo-SD card folder so that your computer can read and write to it via MTP. This means you won't get errors from incorrectly unmounting your phone, and the device still has access to all the data even while plugged into a PC.

Does Google want you to use Google Play and its cloud services? Of course it does. But there is no secret evil cabal in Mountain View that held back the SD card slot to force it on you. In fact, you're still free to use other cloud solutions like Amazon, Dropbox, or even a shared drive on your desktop PC. Nobody has to like the fact that Nexus devices ship with no SD card slot, but let's stop looking for conspiracies when we already know the answer.


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Stop clicking random short URL links

I've been ranting about this all week, so I'm taking a few minutes to blog about it here. Hopefully it does a little bit of good.

By now, everyone knows that OMG clicking a link can maybe reset your Samsung phone and erase all your data!!!11!! Unfortunately, it's true for a good many phones out there, including about a jillion Galaxy S2 models. Like mine. While I'm the first to say that OEMs need to get off their ass and patch the phone of every user in the world that still has a contract or is under warranty, I also know that in the end, it's us -- the users -- that are responsible for our own security.

For some, like me and many of you, that means getting out the data cable, giving the OEM and their jacked version of Android the finger and flashing a custom ROM that fixes bugs and exploits. There are plenty of AOSP builds already made for my Galaxy S2, and I'll be flashing at least one of them this evening. But some of us can't (or just don't want to) hack things up and deal with different bugs on unofficial firmware. That's cool, too. Not everyone is an idiot who likes to break willing to hack their expensive phone. That means you get to sit and wait for a patch that may never come. What can you do?

Here's a quick and dirty suggestion that will cut down on over 9,000-percent (totally made up figure) of exploits.

Stop clicking random short URL links from people you don't know or trust. Stop.

How easy is it to hide a link to something disgusting, unsafe, or illegal inside a short link? Way too easy. Head to and follow the instructions. And that's just one of many URL shorteners out there. In fact, if you're wanting to make a short link to a script or other bit of evil that legit URL shorteners have blocked, a cheap GoDaddy website and a bit of Googling can help you make your own. Then you can hide all sorts of nefarious shyt in plain sight.

Knowing this, the next time you get a random text message, or @reply on Twitter, or Google+ spam, or Facebook spam (and this could go on forever), don't click the damn thing. Delete it. Maybe even report it. Reply to it that you think the sender is a douchebag. Do anything but click it. Only trust people you know you should trust. You can trust your bank. You can trust your church. You can trust us. You can't trust 86114 or the Prince of Nigeria.

By only clicking short links from people you trust, you'll have a pretty good idea where they are sending you is something that won't break your phone. Or if it does, you know who to kick in the balls for it afterwards.


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York

Android hits 500 million installs

Google + -Fastest growing social network site

Google Play Store: 675,000 apps, 25 billion downloads

Tablet market share



The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Nexus 7 makes the best in-car entertainment system ever
[ame=]Google Nexus 7 in the Dash of Dodge Ram | Part 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
So I thought I would do a little scouting report on my top 3 draft choices – Facebook, Twitter and Google+.


845 million active users
2nd most popular site on the Internet
2.7 billion ‘Likes’ every day
20 minutes spent on the site per visit
Facebook is a social media juggernaut, comparable probably to an Aaron Rodgers or Arian Foster in the fantasy football realm this season. The shear enormity of users alone should warrant it the number one pick. I mean 1 out of every 5 page views belongs to Facebook.

The benefits for businesses on Facebook aren’t too shabby either. In one of Francisco’s previous posts, How To Determine Facebook And Twitter ROI, 40 percent of Facebook users that has ‘liked’ a brand did it to receive a discount or promotion (which equals sales). One of Edible Arrangements promotions alone results in a double digit increase in sales.

There are plenty of ways to gain fans as well. The first should be obvious to every Internet Marketer, creating great content, but there are others that can have similar results; freebies, product updates, sales, exclusive content and one of the best ways to interact with your customers.


140 million active users
340 million tweets per day
8th most popular site on the Internet
Best way to keep up with Justin Bieber
Twitter has its limitations (only using up to 140 characters), but is definitely the best way to build relationships of the social media outlets, in my opinion. According to Yell, 25 percent of those surveyed already currently connect with brands on Twitter.

While social media has many benefits, one of the biggest advantages for businesses is to help in sharing their news and content. Over half who share business-related content on social networks choose Twitter. And like Facebook, people who follow brands and companies on Twitter do so for promotions and discounts.
Twitter has grown immensely over its six year history. It’s the number one mobile social network, now offering pictures and videos and its third party applications make it incredibly easy to set up specific tweets to benefit your business at opportune times.

Google Plus

Fastest growing social network
100+ million active users

Linked to YouTube and all other Google Affiliates
Male dominated
It’s too early to crown Google Plus king of social media, but this new social media outlet could be a sleeper, just because it’s linked to the most powerful avenue on the Internet, Google. From a business perspective, this could lead to a boat load of benefits in the future.

Google has claimed to be becoming more social, wanting to include social signals in their algorithm, and with their own social network and having all the user data, this could be true. It also could have benefits within YouTube, the SERPs and even Android related products.

Personalized circles make it easy to put people within certain lists like current customers, potential clients, etc. and a variety of sharing options like Facebook, but you can share posts in a number of different ways, allowing only some of all to view your posts.


Social media outlets may not have the player pool that the National Football League does, but it’s important to break them down and analysis each just the same; recognizing which avenue will work best for you and your business like the different styles of play in fantasy. Similar to certain running back and receivers being most valuable in a PPR (Points Per Reception) league, you may want to use Twitter than others in order to build strong relationships.


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York

Google Play Store Hands-on

if you have a really old android phone that still has the android market app. replace it
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The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Cloud Based

Store files


Double Twist
[ame=""]Android App: Double Twist - Compatible with iTunes - YouTube[/ame]

Instant Photo Upload
[ame=""]Just Show Me: How to enable instant uploads in Google+ - YouTube[/ame]

How to back up apps (Rooted phones only)
[ame=""]How To Use Titanium Backup - YouTube[/ame]
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The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Jean-Baptiste- Works at Google (Android Open Source Project)

cameras and pixels

I've never been impressed by high pixel counts. Generally speaking, I find that adding pixels in a camera of a given size has primarily 4 results: slower shooting, worse low-light performance, larger files, wobbly videos.

I'm surprised at all the talk about phone cameras reaching close to 10MP (and sometimes higher).

For me, a high-resolution phone camera could be 2.3MP, i.e. 1920x1200. That crops perfectly to a 1080p size for video and TV slideshows, that crops perfectly to 1800x1200 for 300dpi 4x6" prints. Assuming a 4.5mm sensor, those pixels would measure barely 2 microns, which is already overkill as you're not likely to get a lens sharp enough to create such small details.

Really, it seems that 1.1MP would work great, i.e. 1280x960. That crops perfectly to 720p for video, that prints as 213dpi for 4x6" which is reasonable, and that trivially downsamples to VGA or QVGA for videoconferencing. Those pixels would be 2.8 microns on a 4.5mm sensor, which is a reasonable match for the typical f/2.8 phone lens.

From now on, I'll mentally read phone camera specs as "1.1MP". All the extra pixels just get in the way.


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Sony embraces Google's AOSP Xperia S experiment, 'supports external innovation'

Just three days ago, Google's Jean-Baptiste Queru announced an experiment that would bring an unbranded, fully open source build of Android to the Xperia S. Today, Android Central reached out to Sony Mobile for its opinion on the experiment, and the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. The company said that it "encourages and supports external innovation and the openness that Android brings," and that "our Developer World team has supported community driven Android projects for a long time."

The goal of the project is to extend the hardware support of the AOSP and deliver it on a flagship, non-Nexus device. The project also offers developers a great degree of freedom: Queru said that coders are "strongly encouraged [...] to submit experimental changes since that won't impact the devices that Google is most directly involved in." For its part, Sony said that it will offer whatever source code it can to the project, which will help developers build the drivers for the Xperia S' hardware. Even if developers succeed in putting the AOSP on Sony's hardware, it's unclear when or if a stable ROM will be published.


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Android Power User. ROOT and other info about the process

Why Root My Android Smartphone?

10 reasons to Root
[ame=""]Why Root Android? Top 10 Reasons - YouTube[/ame]

Android Rooting Benefits (Relish Your Android Experience)
[ame=""]Android Rooting Benefits (Relish Your Android Experience) - YouTube[/ame]

android rom and kernels
What are Android ROM and Kernels?

[ame=""]What are Android ROM and Kernels? - YouTube[/ame]

Can I Update My Android Phone After Rooting?
[ame=""]Can I Update My Android Phone After Rooting? - YouTube[/ame]

What is Android ClockworkMod Recovery?
[ame=""]What is Android ClockworkMod Recovery? - YouTube[/ame]

What Is Busybox and Why do we need it for Android?
[ame=""]What Is Busybox and Why do we need it for Android? - YouTube[/ame]

Android: How To Make A Nandroid Backup
[ame=""]Android: How To Make A Nandroid Backup - YouTube[/ame]

Android Power User: What is the Bootloader?
[ame=""]Android Power User: What is the Bootloader? - YouTube[/ame]

Android Guy Weekly - Making Your Batteries Last Longer
[ame=""]Android Guy Weekly - Making Your Batteries Last Longer - YouTube[/ame]

Android Guy Weekly: ICS, Jelly Bean, and the Need For OEM UIs
[ame=""]Android Guy Weekly: ICS, Jelly Bean, and the Need For OEM UIs - YouTube[/ame]

Android Guy Weekly: Everything You Need to Know About SD Cards
[ame=""]Android Guy Weekly: Everything You Need to Know About SD Cards - YouTube[/ame]

Android Guy Weekly: How Many Cores is Enough
[ame=""]Android Guy Weekly: How Many Cores is Enough - YouTube[/ame]

Android Guy Weekly: Which is more secure, WiFi or Cellular Data?
[ame=""]Android Guy Weekly: Which is more secure, WiFi or Cellular Data? - YouTube[/ame]

Android Guy Weekly: Are Carrier Subsidies Holding Back Smartphone Updates?
[ame=""]Android Guy Weekly: Are Carrier Subsidies Holding Back Smartphone Updates? - YouTube[/ame]
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