The U.S. Ultimatum on Huawei Is Backfiring :UPDATE: Google banning Huawei from Android updates and

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

22 November 2019

U.S. Opens Up Another Front in Its Cold War Against China as Congress Passes the “Hong Kong Democracy Act”

The Trump impeachment hearings give the illusion that voters in the United States have a choice between two different political parties: the Democrats and Republicans. The daily impeachment hearings dominate news headlines. Meanwhile, politicians of both parties have unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights And Democracy Act revealing how both wings of the American elite share the same visceral fear of China’s challenge to the American empire.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, sums up nicely the flagrant hypocrisy of the American political elite with her declaration:

“The Congress is sending an unmistakable message to the world that the United States stands in solidarity with freedom-loving people of Hong Kong and that we fully support their fight for freedom. This has been a very unifying issue for us.”

The Hong Kong Democracy Act threatens China with sanctions if human rights are in Hong Kong are curtailed in any way. How ironic considering the United States stands full square behind the ongoing coup in Bolivia that recently removed the democratically elected President Evo Morales.

There are over 150 pieces of legislation awaiting Congressional approval that all aim to counter the growing power of Chinese capitalism. On the economic front these range from the China Technology Transfer Control Act to the Defending America’s 5G Future Act and Fair Trade With China Enforcement Act. Meanwhile, on the geo-political front we have the Tibetan Policy And Support Act and Uyghurs Human Rights Policy Act. If implemented these would massively ramp up the economic and geo-political tensions between the two superpowers.

If Trump approves the misnamed Hong Kong Democracy Act he will put in jeopardy any ‘phase 1’ trade deal deal with China. Wall Street investors fear that this political attack upon China could endanger the trade deal which they have been on tenterhooks for since last year.

Despite all of his aggressive bluster, Trump is desperate for a trade deal with China as the 2020 election inches nearer.

As I have outlined previously, the trade war, that Trump started back in spring 2018 when he bragged that winning trade wars was easy, poses a significant threat to the rapidly slowing global economy. Without the unprecedented and gigantic money printing of global central banks this year the world economy would already be in recession.

If Trump approves the Hong Kong Democracy Act it will clearly signal a major escalation of policy towards China. The Chinese one party state, having stoked up nationalist feeling amongst its population during the trade war, will find it very difficult to sign any ‘phase 1’ trade deal with the U.S. after such a blatant attack upon its sovereignty.

Not surprisingly, the Chinese government reacted with anger to news that the U.S. Congress had passed the Hong Kong Democracy Act. A Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that the act undermined both countries interests in Hong Kong. Geng warned the U.S.:

“We urge the U.S. to grasp the situation, stop its wrongdoing before it’s too late, prevent this act from becoming law (and) immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs. If the U.S. continues to make the wrong moves, China will be taking strong countermeasures for sure.’’

Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned U.S. Defence Secretary William Cohen, during a meeting last Wednesday, that the act represented “a naked interference in China’s internal affairs,” which China would not tolerate.

The hubris of the United States knows no bounds as it launches such an overt attack upon its major rival. I don’t recall China lecturing the United States as its police forces violently crushed the Occupy Wall Street movement during the autumn of 2011.

The clock is ticking for the United States as more and more countries put increasing effort into trade deals that don’t use the U.S. dollar. This de-dollarisation is viewed very negatively by Washington as it threatens its ability to print huge quantities of money that finance its huge war machine used to police American interests around the world. More and more countries resent the use of the dollar as a weapon against any state not pursuing policies favourable to American corporations.

The American empire is aware that it has to act over the next period to contain China before initiatives such as the Made In China 2025 and the Belt and Road projects decisively swing the balance of economic power in Beijing’s favour.

The U.S. still has time to seek a rapprochement with China as urged by foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger on his visit to Beijing last year. He warned that there is a risk of “destroying hopes for the new world order,” if the two superpowers cannot come to some mutually beneficial agreement on trade.

The Hong Kong Democracy Act and the 150 pending pieces of anti-China legislation in Congress suggests that the American empire is moving towards confrontation towards China which poses great dangers in the volatile period ahead.
U.S. Opens Up Another Front in Its Cold War Against China as Congress Passes the "Hong Kong Democracy Act" - Global Research


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Cheeto is setting this up for his reelection win by mid 2020 , china should back out at the last minute:usure:
Been telling cats that this was the plan

Eat off the dips in the stock market that he causes when he opens his mouth, and then sign the deal when the Dem nom is close

The impeachment thing might speed up the process in order to get the negative press out of the way
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May 1, 2012

22 November 2019
U.S. Opens Up Another Front in Its Cold War Against China as Congress Passes the “Hong Kong Democracy Act”
By Dr. Leon Tressell
The Trump impeachment hearings give the illusion that voters in the United States have a choice between two different political parties: the Democrats and Republicans. The daily impeachment hearings dominate news headlines. Meanwhile, politicians of both parties have unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights And Democracy Act revealing how both wings of the American elite share the same visceral fear of China’s challenge to the American empire.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, sums up nicely the flagrant hypocrisy of the American political elite with her declaration:

“The Congress is sending an unmistakable message to the world that the United States stands in solidarity with freedom-loving people of Hong Kong and that we fully support their fight for freedom. This has been a very unifying issue for us.”

The Hong Kong Democracy Act threatens China with sanctions if human rights are in Hong Kong are curtailed in any way. How ironic considering the United States stands full square behind the ongoing coup in Bolivia that recently removed the democratically elected President Evo Morales.

There are over 150 pieces of legislation awaiting Congressional approval that all aim to counter the growing power of Chinese capitalism. On the economic front these range from the China Technology Transfer Control Act to the Defending America’s 5G Future Act and Fair Trade With China Enforcement Act. Meanwhile, on the geo-political front we have the Tibetan Policy And Support Act and Uyghurs Human Rights Policy Act. If implemented these would massively ramp up the economic and geo-political tensions between the two superpowers.

If Trump approves the misnamed Hong Kong Democracy Act he will put in jeopardy any ‘phase 1’ trade deal deal with China. Wall Street investors fear that this political attack upon China could endanger the trade deal which they have been on tenterhooks for since last year.

Despite all of his aggressive bluster, Trump is desperate for a trade deal with China as the 2020 election inches nearer.

As I have outlined previously, the trade war, that Trump started back in spring 2018 when he bragged that winning trade wars was easy, poses a significant threat to the rapidly slowing global economy. Without the unprecedented and gigantic money printing of global central banks this year the world economy would already be in recession.

If Trump approves the Hong Kong Democracy Act it will clearly signal a major escalation of policy towards China. The Chinese one party state, having stoked up nationalist feeling amongst its population during the trade war, will find it very difficult to sign any ‘phase 1’ trade deal with the U.S. after such a blatant attack upon its sovereignty.

Not surprisingly, the Chinese government reacted with anger to news that the U.S. Congress had passed the Hong Kong Democracy Act. A Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that the act undermined both countries interests in Hong Kong. Geng warned the U.S.:

“We urge the U.S. to grasp the situation, stop its wrongdoing before it’s too late, prevent this act from becoming law (and) immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs. If the U.S. continues to make the wrong moves, China will be taking strong countermeasures for sure.’’

Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned U.S. Defence Secretary William Cohen, during a meeting last Wednesday, that the act represented “a naked interference in China’s internal affairs,” which China would not tolerate.

The hubris of the United States knows no bounds as it launches such an overt attack upon its major rival. I don’t recall China lecturing the United States as its police forces violently crushed the Occupy Wall Street movement during the autumn of 2011.

The clock is ticking for the United States as more and more countries put increasing effort into trade deals that don’t use the U.S. dollar. This de-dollarisation is viewed very negatively by Washington as it threatens its ability to print huge quantities of money that finance its huge war machine used to police American interests around the world. More and more countries resent the use of the dollar as a weapon against any state not pursuing policies favourable to American corporations.

The American empire is aware that it has to act over the next period to contain China before initiatives such as the Made In China 2025 and the Belt and Road projects decisively swing the balance of economic power in Beijing’s favour.

The U.S. still has time to seek a rapprochement with China as urged by foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger on his visit to Beijing last year. He warned that there is a risk of “destroying hopes for the new world order,” if the two superpowers cannot come to some mutually beneficial agreement on trade.

The Hong Kong Democracy Act and the 150 pending pieces of anti-China legislation in Congress suggests that the American empire is moving towards confrontation towards China which poses great dangers in the volatile period ahead


May 1, 2012
Did canada release the Huawei executive they put on house arrest because china about to sign a phony deal with america
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

16 July 2020

Britain Caves to US, Bans Huawei from 5G Network Build-Out, More US Anti-China Sanctions Coming

Trump regime hardliners are pushing a diabolical full-court press to weaken and isolate China on the world stage — wanting its economic, industrial and technological development undermined.

I stressed these points in earlier articles, stressing as well the risk that US war on China by other means could turn hot by accident or design.

What’s manufactured in the US and escalating is the stuff wars are made of.

Possible global war 3.0 should terrify everyone.

What’s unthinkable in the nuclear age is an ominous possibility because Washington is hellbent to rule the world unchallenged by whatever it takes to achieve its objectives.

Two major developments occurred Tuesday. Britain bent to the will of US hardliners as expected.

After initially working with Chinese tech giant Huawei to build out its 5G network, the Boris Johnson government reversed itself.

Culture secretary Oliver Dowden said no new (state-of-the-art) Huawei 5G equipment can be bought after December 31, adding:

Britain is on an “irreversible path” to eliminate what he called “high-risk vendors (sic).”

So-called Chinese “risk” has nothing to do with security issues, everything to do with US war on China by other means and trillions of dollars of market potential that 5G technology represents.

Bipartisan US hardliners want China shut out from what they want to be a sales and profit bonanza for corporate America.

They want other nations to buy American, ignoring Huawei’s 5G technological superiority over what US and other Western firms can offer.

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith called for banning Huawei “altogether,” meaning its 2, 3, and 4G networks in the country.

Britain’s Huawei 5G ban will mean a delay to roll out this technology of two to three years and cost up to two billion pounds, Dowden explained — a high price for bending to Washington’s will, likely to be passed on to UK consumers.

Until the policy shift, Britain agreed to let Huawei supply around 35% of its 5G equipment.

No longer. In deference to Washington, harming UK interests, Johnson ignored Beijing’s threat of “consequences” by treating China as a “hostile partner.”

According to the Johnson regime ruling, UK firms now using Huawei equipment must remove it all by 2027.

They’ll incur a significant economic cost by the ruling, along with political fallout for Britain to bear for unacceptably bending to Washington’s will.

The US wants Huawei and other Chinese tech firms shut out of the US market and from using US high-tech products.

Responding to Britain’s action, Huawei’s UK spokesman Edward Brewster said the following:

“We remain confident that the new US restrictions would not have affected the resilience or security of the products we supply to the UK,” adding:

“Regrettably our future in the UK has become politicized. This is about US trade policy and not security.”

“We will conduct a detailed review of what today’s announcement means for our business here.”

From last year to June this year, the Johnson regime shifted from relying on Huawei’s superior technology to banning it.

What clearly was an unacceptable politicized decision, Johnson acted against the interests of UK telecom firms that urged him not to ban Huawei.

According to Singapore-based geopolitical analyst Greg Austin, Britain was “forced into a corner by (months of) stepped-up US pressure,” adding:

Banning Huawei from the UK is “entirely political and based on exaggeration of the intelligence value to China of Huawei’s 5G.”

The move is a “big blow” to its operations in the country. “Many jobs (will) be lost, and business relationships torn up.”

“China will (no longer) trust the UK as a business partner.” Beijing will likely take appropriate retaliatory action in its own way at a time of its choosing.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Beijing “will closely watch (Britain’s) decision.”

He warned that what happened suggests that Britain may not be safe for Chinese investments.

It’s unclear whether other European countries will bend to US pressure and exclude or limit Huawei’s involvement in building out their 5G networks.

Separately, Trump signed the so-called Hong Kong Autonomy Act (HKAA) into law.

Unanimously adopted by Congress, not a single profile of courage in either house opposed the unacceptable politicized measure with no legitimacy.

China’s new national security law was the convenient pretext — legitimate legislation to protect its sovereign territory (including Hong Kong) from hostile and/or intrusive actions by foreign powers.

The unacceptable HKAA was adopted as part of Washington’s war on China by other means.

The measure imposes unlawful sanctions on entities the US claims “violate China’s obligations to Hong Kong,” along with secondary sanctions on banks doing business with these entities.

Ignored by the HKAA is that the city is sovereign Chinese territory. Under the UN Charter and other international law, nations are forbidden from meddling in the internal affairs of others — what never deters the US and its imperial partners from doing as they please extrajudicially.

In response to Trump’s signing the measure into US law — that contravenes international and US constitutional law — a statement by China’s Foreign Ministry said the following:

The US law…maliciously denigrates Hong Kong’s national security legislation, threatens to impose sanctions on China, and seriously violates international law and basic rules of international relations,” adding:

“It is gross interference in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs.”

Separately, Trump signed an executive order that ends US preferential treatment and special trade arrangements for the city.

Defying reality, he falsely claimed China’s national security law “extinguish(es) Hong Kong’s freedom (sic).”

His remarks included a litany of misinformation, disinformation, and mass deception about China.

Threatening no one, Beijing seeks cooperative relations with other countries in contrast to US sought global dominance by pressure, bullying, bribing, and smashing other nations if other tactics don’t accomplish its aims.

It’s a prescription for endless wars on humanity by hot and/or other means.

Considered US public enemy No. 1 for its growing prominence on the world stage, bipartisan Chinaphobes in Washington risk hot war with a nation able to hit back hard if preemptively attacked.

Britain Caves to US, Bans Huawei from 5G Network Build-Out, More US Anti-China Sanctions Coming - Global Research


I'm the REAL Zucotti Manicotti
Mar 25, 2017
China can eat a million dikks. As bad as the US is, China don't fukk with colored people. Not one black Chinese near any position in power not biracial.

Chinese in Africa are just the new Europeans.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The US gov't hired yet another ridiculous tech firm to produce a bogus report on supposed "Chinese gov't disinformation" (extremely ironic) on social media, and it named several average people as supposed Beijing-run accounts, including @steelmuslim and @Tom_Fowdy McCarthyite BS

What are examples of supposed "Chinese disinfo" cited by this tech company in the laughable study it did for the US govt? "Attempts to frame dialogue from US President Trump as racist." ie the objective fact that Trump is racist is now "Chinese disinfo"…

12:06 PM · Aug 1, 2020
