I wonder who the three family heads were. One wanted Baam dead, one wanted to protect him, and one wanted to just follow the rules of the tower. Looks like we can cut out the Lo Po Bia family and Po Bidau family. The Khun family seems like a good bet for protection. The Eurasia or Ari families seem like the most go with the flow types to me. The Yeon family had the zygaena thing happen...so maybe they'd want him dead.
Then the language about Gustang is interesting too, "his problem is in another realm, it has nothing to do with you." I'm curious about that too.
In my head cannon either Hendo Lok Bloodmadder or Arie Hon wanted Baam dead. Ha Yurin or Tu Perie Tperie wanna protect him and Khun Eduan or Ari Han are probably like let that nikka climb like we did. I wonder if Trae gonna tell Baam about his parents.
You right , the language about Gustang plus SIU said before he going to be an antagonist in the story, reminds me that Rachael gonna show back up