Caught up finally
series cool as hell
Only complaint is Bam. Bam kinda a weak character with no real personality thats carried by more interesting characters throughout.
That's your opinion salute
And tired of him being handed powers over and over.
Baam is a fundamentally broken character, has been ever since he was introduced to the wave controller position.
Its his shtick deal with it.
Rankers/Slayers are all so over the top.
Rankings are determined by people's power, influence, status, and a few outer factors, with that in mind there are instances where a weaker person would be ranked higher than a stronger (Evan was ranked higher than Yuri up until she got green April) person so ranks don't always determined by who's the strongest.
How OP do the 10 families and jahad have to be.
Zahad , the 10 FH, Enryu, Urek, Phantanmonium are irregulars they are the top of the food chain.
Irregulars >>>> the peons ( everybody else )
Kallavan damn near seems untouchable and he’s not even ranked that highly overall.
Re-read Jingsung Ha vs Kallavan to see why Kallavan is so op.
Matter fact just do a re-read from the beginning, you missing vital information.
Yea i agree
Prolly why i havent really seen ppl stan baam heavy like that, Khun seems like the most loved character from the main cast
And siu gave baam a shyt ton of abilities he never really used or flexed with at all.
He been flexing all of season three tho.
Still not sure if hos ability to magically learn attacks after being hit with em was addressed either cuz he hasnt used it to his advantage much at all.
He been doing that in a major way since the cage tho.
Breh got a move from Mazino and hasnt broken that out in this fight yet
He gone kill Zahad with that.