Venezuela should be in the top 5.
Some of the baddest women I’ve ever met in my life.
Some of the baddest women I’ve ever met in my life.
"Ratio" e-grow
I don't believe that for a second - have you ever seen American media EVER prop up the English as beautiful? The American image of the English is a bunch of self-obsessed inbred fuddy-duddys with bad teeth.
What White country would look at the English and say, "oh, look how beautiful they all are"? You seriously think the French, Italians, Spanish, Swedes, etc. are ranking the English like that?
Whoever voted for England only know them from Bond movies or just wrote them in as their stereotype of "where White people are from."
Miss World winners by country:
Country/Territory Titles Years
India 6 1966, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2017![]()
Venezuela 1955, 1981, 1984, 1991, 1995, 2011![]()
United Kingdom 5 1961, 1964, 1965, 1974, 1983![]()
South Africa 3 1958, 1974, 2014![]()
United States 3 1973, 1990, 2010![]()
Iceland 3 1985, 1988, 2005![]()
Jamaica 3 1963, 1976, 1993![]()
Sweden 3 1951, 1952, 1977![]()
That's India winning more Miss World titles than anyone and dominating since the mid-1990s.
Plus you gotta remember that Bollywood is the #1 highest production media outlet in the world. The majority of the world's population in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Asia has Bollywood movies streaming into their homes that constantly show beautiful Indians as the ideal.
Y'all seriously need to get out more. Indians (at least the women) are considered beautiful over most of the globe.
It's crazy that Venezuela isn't higher but I'd assume that's just because most people on the other side of the globe don't know shyt about South American countries outside of soccer. Venezuela just didn't have enough name recognition to make the list. Same reason why Ethiopia, Somalia, other African countries ain't higher.Miss world ? We can't use that as a metric . Venezuela is tied with the most miss universe wins (has won it 7 times) and they ain't on the list. Plus I'm talking about the average Indian woman , they ain't something to go crazy about .
Im sure theres beautiful Indian women since every nationality has its beautiful women , but the ratio of uglies to dimes is probably one sided towards the ugly .