Biggest baddest boss
Another c00n or undercover cacTariQAnon and his fans need to be sent to the shadow realm along with Trump supporters and anti-vaxxers
Another c00n or undercover cacTariQAnon and his fans need to be sent to the shadow realm along with Trump supporters and anti-vaxxers
What c00n?Yall a paid internet street team for this c00n or something?
Can't think of any other reason why someone would spend time posting that c00ns babble on here...
I wish we had a filter that put every thread with his name on auto ignore...
You're misreading both the doctor's words and my response.
The doctor is saying that chronic forms of ITP are usually in older, unhealthier people. That suggests that the ITP involved was acute, not chronic, which means it was a recent trigger. That makes it most likely that the vaccine was the trigger. But acute ITP can be triggered by any stimulus, at any age. There was nothing special about the vaccine triggering it. That's why we've only heard about that one case even though 60 million people got the vaccine.
And I haven't disputed anything about the Covid vaccine triggering the fever that led to the old people's deaths. I'm just pointing out that it was nothing special about the vaccine, literally any exposure to anything that could cause a fever would have had the same result.
TariQAnon and his fans need to be sent to the shadow realm along with Trump supporters and anti-vaxxers
Just a few days ago Tariq wasfor QANON and Trump supporters by claiming that it was actually Antifa who stormed the capitol.
You're misreading both the doctor's words and my response.
The doctor is saying that chronic forms of ITP are usually in older, unhealthier people. That suggests that the ITP involved was acute, not chronic, which means it was a recent trigger. That makes it most likely that the vaccine was the trigger. But acute ITP can be triggered by any stimulus, at any age. There was nothing special about the vaccine triggering it. That's why we've only heard about that one case even though 60 million people got the vaccine.
And I haven't disputed anything about the Covid vaccine triggering the fever that led to the old people's deaths. I'm just pointing out that it was nothing special about the vaccine, literally any exposure to anything that could cause a fever would have had the same result.
These bootlicks wanna take down Tariq and the rest of the new black media, so badly. So they can have full reign to pump their democratic shill mumbo jumbo. But they will fail.
Obama Commutes Record Number of Inmate Sentences
Commutations Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017)
Obama-Biden got almost 2,000 inmates released, the vast majority (well over 1000) in on drug offenses.
Trump only got about 200 inmates released, most of whom were his friends, Republican politicians, rich people, or war criminals. Only about 50 or so were in on drug offenses.
But Tariq is going crazy for Trump's pardons while claiming that Black folk should never support Biden. Why is that?
Yes, 27 years ago. In the years between Biden realized he made a mistake and changed his position.Obama-Biden released imates who were locked up because of Biden 94 Crime Bill![]()
Yes, 27 years ago. In the years between Biden realized he made a mistake and changed his position.![]()
You do realize that back in the early 1990s, MANY people including Black legislators supported the bill. Some people (like Bernie) said the incarceration aspects were a mistake at the time, but there were even people in the Black community who were arguing for that shyt. Over time, many of them realized they were wrong and changed. In addition to pardoning/commuting sentences for nearly 2000 prisoners, Obama-Biden were the first ones to lower the crack penalties too, back in 2010. And the Dems have been fighting for a fuller rollback of incarceration since 2015.
Lock these nikkas up for life.....Opps my bad I made a mistake![]()
So it's Black people fault now
Obama-Biden lower the crack penalties....So your saying all Black people are crack heads....I'm not a crack head bro
No, It's not a dumb position, because Trump is honest about his White Supremacy. I like a person who does not hide their White Supremacy. I can respect someone who is upfront with their White Supremacy.
it could have been the vaccine as well it might not have been
he was almost 87
when you are that old just going to bed you may pass in your sleep
The virus is out there in the wild. It is what it is. The vaccine, however, is completely optional, and there has been a concerted effort to get black people to take in en masse. Given the insanely fast development of the vaccine, along with the history of blacks and pharma/medical industry, how can you fault people for questioning it? Zero people could have died, and I'm looking at it funny on the strength of Tuskegee alone.This death is ripe for conspiracy set.
The same folk freaking out about .00001% of people (possibly) dying of a negative vaccine reaction say that the 2-3% of people dying from the disease itself is nothing to worry about
Clown shyt.![]()
You're caping for the guy who wanted to lock them up for life and HASN'T changed his position, while attacking the guy who pulled back?
Making a huge deal about Trump releasing a few drug offenders, but pointing out that Biden did it first means "all Black people are crack heads"?
You're like a parody of how bad Tariq's arguments are.