Rollo Goodlove
Palestine Titty
Akata man?We are on code this year

Akata man?We are on code this year
This dude is bugging
I like him for entertainment value but when he's wrong, he's absolutely wrong
This is the biggest endorsement of voting we have seen.
This. People are slowhe's being facetious
like when people do a study of reparations
This dude is bugging
I like him for entertainment value but when he's wrong, he's absolutely wrong
This is the biggest endorsement of voting we have seen.
NEVER.People who don't participate and vote should just shut up and never talk about politics again.
I'm not a tariq fan but that post was clearly satire and went over your head.
he's being facetious
like when people do a study of reparations
How stupid do you have to be to not understand that he means that that's how everybody treats black people, so we're going to do the same thing.