Pull Up the Roots
Putting up things for sale on your information page really says it all. Thought there would be more information on there than just a small blurb.
This means Tariq is just being different for no reason, Cause the slaves went missing, and has no connection to us today. I guess he is back on his "hotep" shyt again just to be divisive against ADOS
I love to say my first story on this land is that of slavery. To know we went from slaves in a strange land, to having to fight just to live a normal life, to having the world emulate what we do, to having the world aligned with our fight as we seen this yearI do not define myself in terms of slavery
Pretty tired of referring back to it all the time
This means Tariq is just being different for no reason, Cause the slaves went missing, and has no connection to us today. I guess he is back on his "hotep" shyt again just to be divisive against ADOS
Wrong. Africans been coming here for millennia. European explorers had black navigators cause they knew the routes. Blacks routinely ran away from plantations and lives amongst native Americans and founded their own colonies. This happened all over the new world.
@Amerikan Melanin I see you're on the same hotep shyt, because even if all that happened, they aren't connected to us, and if the whole point of creating "fba" is to put a name on our group, then using 1526 means you are wrong on connecting them to us since they escaped slavery
And the blacks who fled to native American settlements obviously came back into the ADOS fold or they would still be on reservations, so I don't get what's the point of bringing that up?