'you were either abused or just born defective'
this gravity dude man
sounding like a white Catholic priest
So sassy
and anti-intellectual

If gay was normal then how would humans have ever made it this far surviving as a species?
I never once claimed that the genuine motives behind the parties applying the logic of separate but equal were in fact doing so in good faith, actually, I say the opposite in every single post I made regarding the subject. You're just flat out lying about my views here, which i'm not sure why since my earlier post haven't gone anywhere and I can quote them at any moment. I guess this some sort of smear tactic, but it's just totally unnecessary.
I haven't lied about anything that you've said. You're right, your posts are still there for all to read so I don't know why you're lying about what you've said.
But I only bring all this up to highlight that it wasn't out right apparent how exactly is the concept of Jim Crow violating the 14th amendment like it was with the black codes which is why it was so elusive to pin down initially using the 14th amendment. It was only once it became abundantly clear that while the races were separate, they were in fact not equal, thus, a violation of the 14th amendment was occurring which is was what eventually lead to the demise of Jim Crow.
^^^This is complete misinformation. It's basically racist propaganda.
It most certainly was apparent from the start that the Jim Crow laws were an extension or new form of the black codes laws and thatthey were created to ensure white supremacy. I'll repeat in simpler terms, it was clear from the start that the Jim Crow laws violated the 14th amendment. You're flat out lying when you say that the 14th amendment led to the demise of Jim Crow. The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868 or 69 and reconstruction ended in 1877. Jim Crow started right around the same time reconstruction ended in 1877 and lasted all the way to the civil rights act of 1964. That's at least 87 years of Jim Crow after the 14th amendment passed. It the 14th amendment was enough to kill Jim Crow then it wouldn't have lasted for 80+ years and they wouldn't have had to pass the civil rights act in 1964. The civil rights act of 1964 SUPPOSEDLY killed Jim Crow but as we see in 2017, blacks are still subjected to systematic discrimination based on race. There's never been a time in this cou try's history where the 14th amendment has been honored and protected in reference to blacks.
Well, first I never made that argument.
You did make that argument.
Yes, in practice within the real world it was, no one is disputing that. In fact, I literally made that point in my last post. However, the real world implementation is separate from the imagined idea of the implementation which is the factor that explains the ruling behind Plessy V. Ferguson and later why Jim crow eventually died. You're not actually engaging what i'm engaging.
The "imagined idea of implementation" regarding Jim Crow segregation was always white supremacy, separate and unequal. Separate but equal was just the PR spin that racists used. The plessy vs Ferguson was wrong and the only explanation for it is white racism.
For example, the claim that segregation doesn't necessarily guarantee discrimination for blacks is different from me personally saying that Jim crow, as practiced in the south, didn't result in the discrimination of blacks. This whole time you have been dealing with the ladder by attempting to strawman me as making that case. But in reality, no such thing actually happened. I've been painstakingly trying to make that clear to you, but you just can't separate the two things in your head.
You're a coward who lies when called out on your bullshyt. This whole time you've been basically arguing that the Jim Crow laws weren't inherently racist and it was only the implementation of the laws that were racist. Then when I call that bullshyt out you lie and pretend I'm just making shyt up on you.
But I only bring all this up to highlight that it wasn't out right apparent how exactly is the concept of Jim Crow violating the 14th amendment like it was with the black codes which is why it was so elusive to pin down initially using the 14th amendment. It was only once it became abundantly clear that while the races were separate, they were in fact not equal, thus, a violation of the 14th amendment was occurring which is was what eventually lead to the demise of Jim Crow.
I re-quoted this for emphasis because it proves that you've been making the argument that it wasn't initially clear that Jim Crow segregation violated the 14th amendment when it was initially clear. You even stoop as low as to lie about the Jim Crow laws denying that they were an extension of the black codes just so you can dodge the well known motive behind their creation. The Jim Crow laws were created to ensure white supremacy and this was known by all. Nobody took that "separate but equal" bullshyt seriously because everyone knew what it was. Whites have been allowed to legally work around the 13-15th amendments because this is a country founded on the principles of white supremacy and the people in power are white supremacists. It's that simple.