The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
I disagree.Number 1. I don’t live in the country and (usually) I don’t pay taxes. I’m only filing this year because I’m spending so much money I want to see if I can get some back.
At the day we’re kinda on the same page you don’t think it’s a democracy and I took the ultimate step of removing myself from( and my money) from this country.
The best part is I extract money from america and spend it abroad.
Kinda can’t take arabs seriously when every muslim country stood by and did nothing. The UAE didn’t close their embassy but Cathtolic Colombia recalled their ambassor and stopped buying Israeli weapons.
Kalahni is a white presenting “black” R&B singer from the same area as Kamala.
To answer your question again we believe the system is cooked so that’s why we don’t participate
But for the average Coli MAGAt who is a twice Obama voter at the end of the day it seems that Kamala basically got caught up in a throw the bums out election that happened globally because of COVID and Uke war Inflation.
The Treh issue also sunk her which is a little weird considering the first Treh got selected for Congress
Notice I use the word Selected not Elected again agreement about this fake democracy.
The Coli MAGAts seem to believe that she lost because she wasn’t left wing enough even though republicans won across the board despite being super right wing.
I just watched a pod where Sam Harris said Kamala needed a Sister Souljah Moment where she told the Trehs they were wrong and should’ve come out forcefully against Trans reassignment surgery for prisoners and said that Biden was wrong on the board basically becoming Trump Lite. Maybe that would’ve worked maybe not but dude also called out Randall Kennedy and DEI and Black Lives Matter so he suggested to run away from the Black community too.
No one thinks that Reparations or even being anti Police Brutality would’ve put her over the top.
Black people think that and Pals think that going against the small hat lobby that sunk Cori Bush and possibly Jamal Bowman would’ve put her over the top.
I’d say both things are unpopular and both communities are too small and too concerntrated to move the needle nationally.
If you look at the actual numbers, the reason Skamala lost was because she lost 7 or 8 million votes that Joe Biden got in 2020.
Millions of people who voted Democrat in 2020 stayed home. They didn't vote for Trump.
Trump only got a few more million votes in 2024 than he did in 2020.
It's Kamala who did a LOT worst in bringing out Blacks, young people, Latinos, and Arabs to vote for her.
Basically, she pissed all of the Democratic base off by standing by and doing nothing about illegal immigration or Gaza, so her base either stayed home or voted split ticket.
Rashida Tlaib the Palestinian congresswoman in Detroit won her district by 10 points. Kamala lost the same district by 30 points.
Basically, Detroit, Milwaukee, & Philadelphia lost the election for her.
Cori Bush & Jamal Bowman could've helped her get young folks & Black folks to come out for her in those places, but she'd rather run around with Liz & dikk Cheney