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85% of the voting population. In the last election, only 27% of the black population voted. Nearly half of the White population turned out with 43%All this fearmongering and vitriol aimed towards taqriq every election cycle. Fact of the matter is, most black ppl will vote for the democratic candidate. And our positioning in America won’t change. Black ppl have and will continue to do their part to keep trump from gettitn in the White House for a. 2nd. But the problem is, so many DNC shills spend more time talking about how bad life could be if black folks don’t “save rbe democracy” and spend less time speaking of how life will change for the better for us collectively under a 2nd Biden term. Y’all are doing all this huffing for nothing, knowing damn well Biden is gonna get 85% of the black vote.
It’s like black ppl aren’t allowed to have outward concerns with democratic leadership. Black ppl in Chicago just supposed to be ok with the migrant crisis.

1. Voter turnout, 2018-2022
American Trends Panel: Pew Research Center’s online probability survey panel, which consists of more than 12,000 adults who take two to three surveys each