I'm glad he cut her off. Black Americans are the stupidest pack of the lot. Why do they CONSTANTLY PURPOSEFULLY MISPRONOUNCE his last name to "Saud-imizer" when it is clearly So-TOE-My-Your? It's not hard but they do that on purpose!She tried to bring up Tommy Sotomayor catching feelings.![]()
This bytch catching feelings because she wear weave.![]()
All weave ain't badShe felt some type of way so bad, that she had to call up and defend that weave honor![]()
chick is c00ning heavy
I knew your black ass wasn't in Belize.I troll way better than that breh, but thanks for your vote of confidence![]()
this is deflecting.She's right, nikkas talk left and right about weaves, but spend most/all of their money at non-black businesses and don't do anything for their community.
Black Americans are the stupidest pack of the lot.