This episode was
No whiney brat
Eph/Nora with minimal speaking lines
Dutch being tortured and almost got her box ate (literally

Aside from the old man, this was a solid episode. Mainly because of Dutch/Eichorist, Eichorists back story ending, and Gus/Angel becoming a part of the vampire version of the Superfriends
Yeah, I have to give them props this episode. They did a good job of keeping the fukkery to a minimum. Grandaddy Kane plot seemed pointless, and Gus and Nacho Libre teaming up was just moving chess pieces around, but everything with Dutch and Natzi vamp was

They did a really job of building up the tension, with her getting seasoned, escaping, caught again, and the trio making the save. I thought for sure she was going to be a goner with the wall blocking them, but I forgot that Rat King stays blowing stuff up. He was starting to annoy me again with the history facts

, but him comforting her in the Bread Truck while she was sobbing was

I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that Natzi vamp being the best character, delivered the best episode. When he yelled at Dutch to take her pants off

. Dutch came so close to being human pineapple upside down cake.