There are some who are so traumatized by being black in this country that they want to erase the lineage
Alot of these women ain't traumatized they are just stupid and shallow and want mixed babies for show. As they actually have a preference of what their baby looks like due to media and there own perception of beauty.This here is almost enough to make you lose faith in our people,like if some of us are this far gone,is it even too late for the ones who are just a little bit gone in the head

These women woulnd't trade being black to be white,I can almost 100% guarantee you that. But I can almost guarantee 90-95% of them would trade being full black if they could be "biracial". And the number isn't that much lower if we were to take all black women world wide into account. Many "biracial" women are highly attractive,but highly attractive black women come in all colors smh. If there is a sense you are more likely to have an attractive "biracial",obviously you havent looked around enough at some of these weird looking "biracials",you are so zeroed in on the most attractive ones who unfortunately have huge ammounts of praise and attention heaped on them. Pay closer attention to the ones who look like inbred mutants in the future who are ducked off and go unnoticed.