My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
All i got from this is i now know a goosebumps movie is int he works.
Community actors out herefor discount Sony tv's.
On Tuesday, the Sony hackers released emails of Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal and Sony Pictures Television president Steve Mosko. The fourth round of leaks came as the hackers, known as the Guardians of Peace (GOP), demanded the studio pull upcoming movie "The Interview" starring James Franco and Seth Rogen. Looking over Mosko's emails, we saw an interesting exchange related to Sony's "Community" series which aired on NBC. The show was originally canceled May 9 after five seasons on air. Three days later, the show's star, Joel McHale, sent an email to Mosko's assistant asking for a discount on an $8,000 Sony TV.
The email reads:
It's not as if we paid him 3M and 4M respectively for his last 2 films thinking he might be nominated. We paid for his ability to open a film which included his social media savvy. I feel like this is something that should be negotiated going into the film as opposed to after the fact. It feels tantamount to buying a car and then upon picking it up being told that the engine will cost extra.
I'm tempted to suggest we call his bluff. If he doesn't do his normal routine, his film will not open as well and his brand will appear diminished and he will- in fact - be fukking himself because we have his next 2 immediate films.
And then there's the social media precedent we're setting...especially in light of the fact that Channing is at the same agency.
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It still boggles me, Sony Computer Entertainment, and Sony Pictures are under the same company. So how did Sony Pictures look at the 2011 PSN Hack and say "nah... we good on security, b."
Bruh this shyt already worse for Sony the PSN hack back in 2011 ever was.