This is really dope. Thanks for posting OP
Siddi - Wikipedia
Genetically The Siddis are a mix of SSA and South Asian.
Here's a Genetics study discussing the Siddis of Karnataka, Gujarat, and in some parts of Andhra Pradesh
^ This pic above shows where the Siddis plot in terms of the Genetics of different populations/ethnic groups.
As you can see on the bar graph Siddi men tend to have more SSA Y-DNA Haplogroups while Siddi women tend to have more Non SSA Mt-Dna Haplogroups (Mainly South Asian)
^ This pic above shows Y-Chromosomal and mtDNA Haplogroups in Siddis
Y-chromosomal haplogroup frequencies in the populations analyzed. Abbreviations are as follows: SG, Siddis from Gujarat; CH, Charan; BH, Bharwad; SK, Siddis from Karnataka; MD, Medar; GV, Gram Vokkal; KR, Korova; and KV, Kare Vokkal. The African-specific B and E1b1a haplogroups in India were found exclusively among the Siddi population.
Who am I you wonder? Lets just say: