From a "dev"
From a "dev"
If given the choice I do always favor more gpu, but we're getting to the point that it will take a mountain more gpu to really see the difference. It's like you see the difference between 16 colors and 256 colors quite easily, a bit less going from 256 to 32k colors, then less 32k to 16 million, etc. Each successive step takes much more computational power just to break even and yet the visual difference becomes less and less. I certainly don't subscribe to the theory that the extra gpu grunt on ps4 is wasted or unbalanced, I can't imagine there not being situations where they wouldn't be helpful. But I just don't see it being substantially enough to where it makes a huge visual difference especially given the typical persons inability to see differences in resolution once you get past a certain point. I was thinking back to console generations long gone and there have always been ways to pick one better than the other, but this coming generation strikes me as one where you'll be able to put both versions of the games in front of 100 people and 99 times they will not be able to pick a favorite.