ok people.. help me change my life
I desperately want to get rid of my tmobile contract and go with GVoice & Groove IP
however I'm on a fam plan (with a corp discount so it's at a good price for 3 lines) $165ish mo/all 3 lines unlimited everything
I just ordered the Nexus 4 but I kinda wanted the Note II only reason I didn't get it
was that I refuse to sign another contract.. I have a GNEX right now and I'm hoping Google will have their own service by the time my contract ends in Dec next year
I'm planning on breaking this contract in Jan. fawk them on that and switching to G-Voice for my line
maybe I'll keep the other lines under contract (if possible) because it's prolly easier for the woman to use Tmo service then trying to get her to understand this who GVoice & groove IP situation but if I have to I'll force everyone off this contract and move everything to that GVoice
so.. couple of questions..
1) anybody here currently using Google Voice ? How is it working for you ?
Does Groove IP murder your battery life ?
2) Any NOTE II users in the house ? How do you like it ?
I may return my N4 and get this if I don't like it and can't cancel my contract cleanly (Touch Piss UI doesn't offend me that much and I know how to root)
3) ANY current NEXUS 4 users in the house ? How's that going for ya ?
4) WTF do you think I should do in this situation.. keep the contract ? return the N4 and get the NOTE II w/another 2yr extension? Say fawk'm all and go with Google Voice on all three lines?
Wassup Goog set .. .what say you ?
you can do this on your current phone now to test it with gv and groove
make sure you are satisfied with sound quality 1st