note 2 is in high demand lol
Kinda but I don't think they gave the online resellers that many
Tmobile is trying to force people to get it from them for those rape prices
I just got off the phone with Walmart and the chick told me only the supercenters will have it and they can't sell it til next week cause tmobile has first dibs
So basically until next week the tmobile store is the only place you can walk in and buy the Note 2 and all the online resellers are back ordered and I heard tmobiles website is back ordered for upgrades but it's available for new customers
I could just get the phone from tmobile for $250 but I would have to switch to a value plan and I can't do that cause the classic plan I have is piff and cheaper then the value plans plus you gotta pay $20 extra per month if you get the phone on a value plan
Just look at this bullshyt
T-Mobile Galaxy Note II Pricing Sneaks A Peek, Looks To Be A Go For Tomorrow | | TmoNewsTmoNews
You are basically paying $650 for the phone if you get the value plan and $420 on the classic plan
You'd be better off just getting a unlocked Note for $580 of eBay then paying these bullshyt prices
I bet they made sure the online resellers only had a few so they would be the only option for the first week but fukk that I'll just keep my wirefly order and wait for them to restock