The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has Begun. Its on.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Russian agents raiding homes of Muslims in Crimea

Crimean Tatar's are specifically being targeted ahead of the introduction of a new law that will see a number of Islamic books banned in the peninsula.
World Bulletin / News Desk

The homes of Muslims in Crimea are repeatedly searched by Russian agents for banned literature, Qirim News Agency has reported.

On September 5, agents raided the houses of members of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis (Parliament) Mustafa Salman and Dilyaver Hayreddinov in Nizhnegorsk Rayon.

“The searches were conducted by police officers, it is unclear, why in Nizhnegorsk Rayon exactly. They are searching for banned literature,” Crimean Tatar national movement activist Zair Smedlyaev said.

Eye-witnesses said police searched for arms while Mustafa Salman and his two sons were deployed to the local police department, journalist Shevket Namatullaev wrote in Facebook.

This is not the first case of such searches in Crimea. Previously, Russian Federal Security Service officers searched Crimean madrassas (religious schools) for banned literature.

Three madrasas were searched during August 13, ahead of Russia’s Federal List of Extremist Materials law that will come into force in 2015 that bans a number of popular Islamic books.

The law bans a number of Islamic religious books that under Ukrainian law were deemed legal.

The Federal List of Extremist Materials was compiled by the Russian Ministry of Justice on July 14, 2007 and contained 1,058 items as of December 25, 2011. Producing, storing or distributing the materials on the list is an offense in Russia.

Some Islamic books that have been banned include the work of popular 20th century Turkish scholar Said Nursi and the famous 'Fortress of the Muslim' book of supplications of the Prophet Muhammad, which was collected by ancient Muslim scholar Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani. A certain biography of the Prophet Muhammad is also banned.

Around 300,000 Muslims in Crimea, mainly native Crimean Tatars, are having to adjust to new laws enforced by Russia after their homeland was annexed from Ukraine following a referendum in March.

Since the annexation in March, around 3,000 Crimean Tatars have left the peninsula for mainland Ukraine.

The U.N. has also pointed to the erosion of human rights in Crimea, which remains under the occupation of pro-Russian militias who particularly threaten the Crimean Tatars.

Crimean Tatars have complained that they have been targeted for speaking their Turkic language in public and have had their homes marked by pro-Russian militiamen.

The Crimean Tatar Mejlis (Parliament) was also threatened with closure after they organized protests for former Mejlis head Mustafa Jemilev, who has been barred from entering the peninsula for five years along with current leader Refat Chubarov.

Earlier this month, Qirim News Agency general coordinator Ismet Yuksel was also given the same five-year ban.

The Crimean Tatars have largely opposed the annexation of Crimea by Russia, fearing a repeat of the events of 1944 when they were completely expelled as part of former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's policy.

They gradually started returning in the early 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union, but still live as a minority in their homeland as they were displaced by ethnic Russian settlers who migrated there later on.

Since the annexation, Russia has been granting Russian citizenship to the people of Crimea in replacement of their Ukrainian nationality. Crimean Tatars, who have campaigned to reject Russian citizenship, reserve the right to remain as Ukrainian citizens, but will by default become foreigners in their homeland.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Rumors of the Ukrainian Rebels demise
tags: Ukraine, Ukrainian Crisis
by Ian Welsh
were exaggerated. Or rather, the information in the Western press was essentially propaganda.

I think it’s worth acknowledging that I swallowed it, only to be corrected by a number of readers. The Ukrainian rebels were tougher than I expected, Russian support seems to have been more significant and the Ukrainian military was simply not up to the task. They couldn’t win the street fighting.

This means that Russia still has a strong negotiating position with regards to Ukraine’s future: their preferred option, of course, is federalization and forbidding NATO expansion into the Ukraine.

Meanwhile we must continue to keep an eye on sanctions. The risk here is real sanctions being imposed on Russia, Russia retaliating with a gas shut off and an economic collapse in Europe. Note that the key player here is actually China, who can easily keep Russia afloat if they choose to (China is printing far more money than the Fed was at the height of its unconventional monetary policy.) The West keeps assuming it is the only game, and that it controls the money spigots: shut them off and they can crush anyone. That is no longer true. The question will be “what does China want to keep Russia afloat, or alternately, from the West, to cut them off.”

In my opinion, while China and Russia have some differing interests, those pale compared to their need for each as allies against the West. The American Foreign Affairs and security establishment has been clear that they want to pivot against China, whom they see (correctly) as the largest threat to American hegemony. For China to allow the West to crush Russia would be a colossal mistake, especially when the cost of keeping them alive is not that significant a world awash with printed money.

As for Europe, they are being fools and they will pay the price for it. Satraps of a self-interested and cruel hegemonic power are never treated well, and Europe does not need to be a satrap, yet chooses that path against their own self-interest.

So be it.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Ghostwheel PERMALINK
September 10, 2014
I’m curious as to what extent people here believe the European leaders might have actually been blackmailed or, quite literally, bribed to acquiesce to the US position.
September 10, 2014
A lot of bail-out money went to European banks. My sixth sense is that europe is between a rock and a hard place finance- and energy-wise, and the douchebags in Brussels are gambling on the “hegemonic” Monopoly money plan, whereas Putin has actual resources, albeit peaking resources, actual resources much desired around the world at a time when Western debt-dollar discipline looks dubious. Oops.

September 10, 2014
It is complex. There are ideological reasons, career reasons, monetary reasons, ‘pressure’ reasons.

Ideology is a combination of believing in the Washington order, that its continuation is more important than (say) your own country’s self interests. Plus there is a hierarchical element to it. You may be the boss of your country, but the President is your boss.

Career. Big one this. Wiki leaks show some great Australian examples. Bob Carr (NSW Premier then federal Foreign Minister) was recorded as going regularly to the US Embassy telling all on Labor internal politics. Another was a defence minister going to them to ask them for help him become Labor leader.

So there are definitely career noddy points for ‘following the line’ . This will also applies to the military and national security organisations. Sticking to Australia, what is the chance of an Australia firstist’ becoming head of the military…yeh right…zero.

The tentacles of the US are deep indeed, being against them will mean you don’t get far. However if you stick by the script doors will open.

Monetary: Of course there is direct and, more common indirect bribery. Indirect is where if you do your job well for them then lucrative rewards will follow in consultancy, speaking engagements, etc, etc.

Pressure: Of course there will be blackmail, both hard and subtle. Every now and then someone gets thrown to the wolves just to show others what can happen to you if you step out of line and the ‘protection’ stops, Strauss-Kahn being a classic example.

Stay with the program and your affairs, porn, paedophilia, use of prostitutes, corruption, etc, etc, will just be ignored.

What you think they spend all that money on the NSA (etc) just to catch terrorists? Nope a major function is to collect dirt and/or make sure the satraps stay on the program.

So it is multi-faceted and very, very effective. Another thing they are good at is talent spotting potential leaders and getting their hooks into them early, bit of financial help, opening doors for them, spotting weaknesses and so on.

Quite brilliant when you think about it.

September 10, 2014
Ghostwheel , sometimes the bribes can be huge. Various article about how the Ukrainian oligarchs have ripped of $3.1 billion in IMF money….

Others will be jealous…



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Russia concerned about rights of Russian speakers in the Baltics


2014/09/15 • RUSSIA

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has called for the protection of the rights of the Russian-speaking population in the Baltic States.

The Russian Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Konstantin Dolgov, has appealed to the international community to protect the rights of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia. He made his announcement at the regional conference of Russian compatriots of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia on September 13, reports Ukrainska Pravda, September 15.

“We will not tolerate the creeping attack on the Russian language that we observe in the Baltic States. We consider the well-known steps by the governments of Latvia and Estonia aimed at the infringement of the status and position of the Russian language a gross violation of human rights,” Dolgov declared.

Dolgov added that he considers unacceptable the fact that representatives of national minorities in the Baltic States are not able to use their own language in topographical names.

“More than 50% of the population residing in the largest Latvian cities are Russian in their ethnic composition. This is a glaring example of the flagrant trampling of human rights in the heart of civilized Europe,” Dolgov said.

Dolgov also expressed concern about the growth of neo-Nazi and xenophobic sentiments in Europe, citing the example of events in Ukraine after the “anti-constitutional coup” and the “armed seizure of power.”

“The position taken by Ukrainian ultra-radicals and neo-Nazis on building an ‘ethnically pure’ Ukrainian state has always been clear. This is confirmed by many concrete facts and evidence, (as outlined) in two editions of the “White Book” that we have prepared on Ukraine,” he said. (Russia’s Foreign Ministry has published two editions of its “White Book” on “the most heinous human rights violations perpetrated by Kyiv in Ukraine’s east” — Ed.)

Translated by: Anna Mostovych
Source: Pravda


May 3, 2012
Seems like all the pieces are lining up for ww3 :lupe:

Doubt it, but folks in the spring of 1914 said the same shyt.