The Russia - Ukraine Conflict

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
US Officials Say US Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals
The US has expanded its intelligence sharing with Ukraine
By Dave DeCamp

According to a report from The New York Times citing unnamed senior US officials, intelligence provided by the US on Russian military units has helped Ukraine target and kill Russian generals.

Ukraine has claimed to have killed 12 Russian generals, but the number is not confirmed, and Kyiv has an interest in exaggerating its success on the battlefield, and the officials wouldn’t specify how many Russian officers were killed as a result of the assistance. But either way, the claim by US officials that they are helping kill Russian generals is a major provocation toward Moscow.

Like other US assistance to Ukraine, the claim raises questions about at what point Russia will consider the US to be a co-belligerent in the war. The officials said that the targeting of Russian generals is part of a Biden administration effort to share real-time targeting intelligence with Ukraine.

The officials said that the US is focusing on sharing intelligence on the location of Russia’s mobile military headquarters. They said the US assistance combined with Ukraine’s own intelligence allows Ukrainian forces to target Russian officers.

The US has expanded intelligence sharing with Ukraine since Russia invaded, but there are still limitations. The officials said that the US is prohibited from sharing intelligence on the most senior Russian leaders.

Gen. Valery Gerasimov, Russia’s highest-ranking uniformed officer, reportedly visited the frontlines of Russia’s war in Ukraine this week. The officials said that the US didn’t share information with Ukraine to aid in a strike that hit the area of eastern Ukraine Gerasimov reportedly visited.

Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that the US was still refraining from providing Ukraine from launching strikes inside Russian territory, although Western officials have been publicly encouraging Kyiv to launch such attacks. Britain’s armed forces minister said it was “completely legitimate” for Ukraine to attack Russian territory, adding that it was “not necessarily a problem” if the attacks were carried out using weapons London provided to Kyiv.

US Officials Say US Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals - News From

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

5 May 2022
US Launches Two Sets of Military Exercises in Europe
By Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter

The United States and its Western partners have embarked on two simultaneous rounds of war games in Eastern Europe as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters its third month.

Swift Response 2022, an annual drill hosted by the US Army’s Europe and Africa component command, kicked off on Monday and is set to run until May 20. It will be carried out across locations in the Arctic High North, the Baltics, the Balkans and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, the Army said in a statement.

Around 9,000 soldiers – among them 2,700 Americans and 6,300 troops from 16 allied nations – will take part in the exercise. In addition to training for “arctic defense operations,” the servicemen will simulate airborne “Joint Forcible Entries” in Latvia, Lithuania and North Macedonia.

Poland, meanwhile, announcedthe start of the Defender Europe 2022 military drills on Sunday, noting they would take place May 1–27 in nine countries and will involve 18,000 soldiers from more than 20 nations.

“The troops’ ability to cooperate in a joint combat operation will be put to test using various training episodes including long-distance tactical marches, bridging rivers and live-fire training,” a statement from Warsaw said.

This year’s Defender Europe will be scaled back compared to prior iterations, as more than 30,000 soldiers from 27 nationsparticipated in the drills in 2021. The previous year involved even more troops, and was reportedlyone of the largest military exercises held on the continent since the Cold War.

Though Russia has repeatedly denounced such war games as aggressive posturing which “[simulate] offensive military action,” Poland claimed the Defender Europe exercise “demonstrates the United States’ unshakable commitment to NATO,” touting it as “a prime example of our collective capabilities.”
US Launches Two Sets of Military Exercises in Europe | The Libertarian Institute

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Another company (remnants thereof) of 79th Ukrainian Brigade refuses to continue fighting, declaring loss of confidence in the army command, decrying failure to provide adequate supplies and failure of command & lack of guidance. These are not POWs, but active insubordination.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

6 May 2022
Russian Orthodox Church Under Threat of EU Sanctions
By Steven Sahiounie

The European Union is debating on imposing sanctions on Patriarch Kirill
, the head of The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), also known as the Moscow Patriarchate, who leads about 100 million believers. The EU has accused him of supporting the war in Ukraine, and President Vladimir Putin. The sanctions would entail an asset freeze and a travel ban, with EU diplomats set to meet this week to discuss the sanctions, which is part of a wider package proposed by the EU on Wednesday.

About 75% of Russians and 60% of Ukrainians profess to be Orthodox Christians, which can be both a religious as well as cultural affiliation.

In a sermon in March, Kirill preached against western values such as greed and gay pride parades. Kirill and many Russians who hold his views, see the war in Ukraine in terms of religious values, defending conservative moral values against a corrupt West. Kirill has referred to “so-called homosexual marriages” as a threat to family values. “When laws are detached from morality they cease being laws people can accept.”

The Ukraine had been closely united with Russia. The prevailing faith in Ukraine was the Russian Orthodox Church. A large percentage of those living in Ukraine speak Russian and identify themselves as ethnically Russians. However, in the decades since the fall of the Soviet Union, and the independent status of Ukraine, the government there has been leaning toward the West. They want to join the EU, NATO and accept western views on gay issues.

“By separating from Moscow we are adhering to the Christian vision of the world,” said Father Vladymir Melnichuk of the Russian Orthodox Church in Udine, Italy. Melnichuk recently split his church from Moscow, and instead allied with a church based in Istanbul.

In 2018, the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP), were considered “schismatics” (illegally segregated groups) by the Patriarchate of Moscow (ROC), as well as by the other Eastern Orthodox churches. The schism forms part of a wider political conflict involving Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Crimea and its military intervention in Ukraine, as well as Ukraine’s desire to join the EU and NATO.

Russian values are not the same as Western values. The Russian Orthodox Church does not approve of gay marriages, or educating children about their options to declare themselves gay, or choose a different gender to identify with. What has become common place in USA is not accepted everywhere, but the US government seeks to impose their own values on other countries, in their role as the global superpower.

The US has a long list of regime-change projects: Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria. Imposing a US style of freedom and democracy on foreign countries has become a decades old mantra at the State Department. Similarly imposing US style secular values on foreign countries has become a point of derision.

The American society, government, schools and churches have made gay rights and transgender issues an accepted fact of life. If there are conservative Americans with different views, they have been encouraged to remain silent, and accept the prevailing notion that everyone has a right to choose.

The Russians not the same as Americans. There are different opinions and viewpoints based on history, religion and culture.

Putin, in responding to prevailing Russian opinion on issues involving homosexuality, passed laws preventing indoctrinating minors about homosexuality and preventing gay pride rallies which would have been seen by children.

In July 2020, Putin mocked the US embassy in Moscow for flying a rainbow flag to celebrate LGBT rights. Russia had conducted a nationwide vote on constitutional reforms that included an amendment enshrining the definition of marriage specifically as a union between a man and a woman.

“It’s no big deal though. We have spoken about this many times, and our position is clear,” said Putin, who has sought to distance Russia from liberal Western values and aligned himself with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Putin added,

“Yes, we passed a law banning the propaganda of homosexuality among minors. So what? Let people grow up, become adults and then decide their own destinies.”

Russia had decriminalized homosexuality after the fall of communism in 1993, but anti-gay sentiments have been on the rise in the country in the past decade.

Under the Obama administration, the issue of gay rights became extremely import. Obama sent gay Ambassadors to five countries in order to send a message on where the US government stood on the issue. Promoting gay pride, and same-sex marriages in foreign countries became an important foreign policy in Obama’s State Department.

During Obama’s terms in office, the push to make lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights became an international issue. The high point came in December 2011, when then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton went to the United Nations in Geneva and proclaimed LGBT rights “one of the remaining human rights challenges of our time”.

In 2014, US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, said he was proud of the message the United States gave Russia on gay rights leading up to the Olympics, and said the Obama administration had been tough on Russia on human rights throughout his tenure in Moscow.

“We as an administration, starting with the president, virtually every day are very open in criticizing the Russian government when we see human rights abuses,” McFaul said.

US advice and encouragement is sometimes condemned as unacceptable meddling with foreign cultures and religious values. Some conservative American groups are outraged by the policy. Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, calls it “a slap in the face to the majority of Americans”, given that American voters have rejected same-sex marriage in a number of state referendums.

“This is taking a flawed view of what it means to be a human being male and female and trying to impose that on countries throughout the world,” Brown said. “The administration would like people to believe that this is simply ‘live and let live.’ No, this is coercion in its worst possible form.”


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
6 May 2022
Sports, Culture, Music: Banning Everything Russian: Italy’s Prime Minister Draghi “Declares War on Russia”.
By Manlio Dinucci

In his interview with Rete 4 Mediaset, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov raised a series of issues of the utmost importance for Italy and Europe. However, nobody in the Italian and European political world took them into consideration. Prime Minister Draghi dismissed the interview with these words:
“We are talking about a country, Italy, where there is freedom of expression. Minister Lavrov belongs to a country where there is no freedom of expression. This country, Italy, allows people to express their opinions freely, even when they are obviously false, aberrant. What Minister Lavrov said is aberrant.”

The Italian government thus confirms not only that it has turned Italy into a belligerent country, ranking fourth among suppliers of arms to Kiev’s forces, but that it seeks all-out confrontation with Russia.

This is in line with what is happening in Europe and the United States, where the attack on everything Russian is underway: while Russian women’s soccer teams are banned from European championships, the Metropolitan Opera in New York expels Russian soprano Anna Netrebko, because she refuses to condemn her government.

At the same time, RAI invites to Porta a Porta “the wives of the fighters of the Azov battalion”, which is presented as a handful of heroic resistance to the Russian invaders.

To the recycling campaign of the neo-Nazis of Azov also participate the 7 and the major Italian newspapers.

To demonstrate the true nature of the Azov battalion, now upgraded to the level of special forces regiment, is a report of Time magazine of just a year ago, before the same magazine turned the page by joining the international campaign of support to the Kiev regime.

A report by Vittorio Rangeloni from Mariupol demolishes, through the testimonies of the inhabitants of Mariupol themselves, the image of Azov presented by the Italian and Western mainstream.

Our life is at stake
The war advances, but it is not the one that the political-media mainstream makes it appear to our eyes. To understand this, one cannot remain at the still image of what is happening in Ukraine. One must watch the docufilm of the events that, from the end of the Second World War to today, have led to the current situation.

Crucial is the moment in which, after the end of the Cold War with the disintegration of the USSR, the United States and the other Western powers impose their unipolar order, their economic hegemony with globalization, their unique thought with the sprawling multimedia apparatus, while the US and NATO demolish with war the States that are an obstacle to their plans of domination.

On this background the Russian military operation in Ukraine takes place. It is not only a response to the US-NATO escalation, including nuclear escalation, which endangers Russia’s security. It is a response to the West’s claim to maintain a unipolar world under its own domination. This opens the challenge of the new historical period, that of building a multipolar world.

It is not a coincidence that, after the daily terrorist hammering on the deadly threat of the virus, the mainstream now carries out the daily terrorist hammering on the deadly threat of Russia, demonizing President Putin. While the European Union is suicidally severing economic ties and demolishing centuries-old cultural bridges with Russia, it is up to the peoples of Europe to make the no-longer-postponed choices on which our future and our very lives depend.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Don’t patronize us’, India tells EU official. India has abstained for numerous UN General Assembly resolutions on the conflict - "Kindly don't patronise us, Ambassador. We know what to do," Tirumurti wrote in a tweet to Dutch envoy Karel van Oosterom on Thursday.

12:10 PM · May 6, 2022

Reports of Russian 'full mobilization' false and fake news by the Americans – Moscow. Western media claims that the country will declare full scale war on Ukraine are false, Vyacheslav Volodin says.

11:15 AM · May 6, 2022

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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
“We’re not just at war to support the Ukrainians. We’re fundamentally at war, although somewhat through a proxy, with Russia, and it’s important that we win.” — Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass.

It took 32 paragraphs for the National Post to admit the Canadian veteran commanding an ad-hoc volunteer militia fighting for Ukraine is a Nazi.

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