private companies vs the literal russian government shutting down podcasts.
Plus, they can just go start their own media outfits...but they wont. They wanna be paid handsomely to shyt-post.
Ceasefire after denazificationliterally everyone is calling for a ceasefire.
This idiot has been pissing me off for YEARS with this dumb shyt
Ceasefire after denazification
tHe UnItEd StAtEs iS tHe WoRlD PoLiCeTheColi would have been sucking off Milosevic and justifying ethnic cleansing by equating the democratic government of Croatia to the Ustase.
Bless your heart. I can tell you are one of those c00ns that gets teary-eyed hearing the star spangled banner. NATO countries carved up the motherland, put our ancestors in chains, tortured, raped, stripped us of our dignity, stole our wealth yet here you are carrying water for them because you are a slave to western media propaganda. Russia did NOT colonize Africa. Russia did NOT participate in the transatlantic slave trade. Therefore Russia is NOT my enemy. If you have a problem with what I just said articulate it like a man.
I'm tempted to put Bojangles above Popeyes only because lately Bojangles no matter which one you go to its consistently good. Where as with Popeyes, it really depends on which one you go to and the quality can differ drastically. Last time I went to Popeyes I can tell they gave me some dried out chicken that was sitting under a warmer too long and lost all its moisture. Skin went from crispy to kind of rubbery
You had it before? That shyt good, breh?
yeah. russians have to do something before it's too late for them. They are back to ussr situation right now. People are losing money, they're gonna start starving soon and people are forced to go to war or else they get killed. In belarus they are forcing young people go to war or their families get killed. They go to the borders with Ukraine and obviously get shot. They are running out of bodybags literally.
the russia's main problem as always is their critical mass of people do not understand what is democracy, they live in feudalism - the king gets everything but he'll give me some too. That's their mentality. putin got to the government 20+ years ago by bombing chechnyans and russians are like fukk it, oh well.
Most of the normal people live in western places, usually big cities where they travel around the world and see what a good life looks like. They demand that in russia and get threatened to oblivion, there are not enough protestors to make a drastic change.
shyt, even some chinese are waking up too, their mentality is working working with no free time. There are millions of chinese who are just happy to work and do nothing else. Now some start earning money they never seen before, they travel to Australia, Oceanic islands, anywhere for holidays, they start seeing life they never seen before, all of a sudden China ain't so good anymore to them. Dictatorships have an expiraton date.
Ceasefire after denazification
This is a literal right wing fascist. Pedro is a racist dipshyt.Spot on analysis of the terrible madman Zelensky. Please have a read