These uncivilized savages need to be stopped at all cost
What do you propose
These uncivilized savages need to be stopped at all cost
Putin is worth 200 billy and run the military. Is this even a half smart move. This sounds like....There's huge #'s of people who would face certifiable death for a million dollars. Plenty of hood shooters have gone on death missions for a lot less.
Difference though is that no one with that kind of desperation can get close enough to Putin. And you're right, I'm not sure if even just one extra zero would be enough. Bet somewhere around 20-50 mil would hit the mark tho.
If it explodes, it will mutate the soldiers with a new-clear strain of covid and turn them into a viral Zords onlycan stop.
this is not funny, if that happened NATO would have no choice but to enter war. You are talmbout contamination that spreads all over Europe.
It's crazy how stupid western politicians were over the past 10+ years, doing business with russia hoping nothing will happen. Putin bombed his own people to win the election, he invaded Georgia in 08 and Ukraine in 14. He clearly wants to destabilize the Europe which makes China situation more dangerous too in near future.
Stalker is top 5 films everSTALKER SUPER CHERNOBYL IN 2023 PD: Post Nuclear Apocalypse![]()
He gonna let it blow up, just fight the Zords later on when they attacking Sara Palin's AlaskaSuperman can die from excess radiation, too![]()
Passive aggressive because you can’t add no value
TLR likes spending their free time browsing for random tweets and gossiping about shyt. Wannabe comedians. shyt ain't funny cause this war could've easily been avoided if the 1st world countries were not feeding russia with billions of dollars buying everything from them. The strategy is to have them at mid-level where they're not filthy rich and not completely broke (to not cause a deadly civil war out there). When russians hit the jackpot on oil money, they go to war: Afghanistan, Syria, Georgia, Ukraine.Some people want to see the world burn. TLR included
TLR likes spending their free time browsing for random tweets and gossiping about shyt. Wannabe comedians. shyt ain't funny cause this war could've easily been avoided if the 1st world countries were not feeding russia with billions of dollars buying everything from them. The strategy is to have them at mid-level where they're not filthy rich and not completely broke (to not cause a deadly civil war out there). When russians hit the jackpot on oil money, they go to war: Afghanistan, Syria, Georgia, Ukraine.