Underappreciated war in history. The Japanese literally changed naval warfare from that point on and other countries took note and it pretty much killed traditional broadside naval battles (two big ships lining up in parallel and firing at each other with cannons and rifles) up to that point. Their use of cruisers for more maneuverability during attacks instead of big frigates gave the Russians a fit.
It hurt the Russians so bad it was a major factor in the first revolution.

People were pissed at the Tsar for humiliating them like that
yo...i'm gonna go off on a rant here so check out now if you ain't built for it.
i'll start off by saying I didn't know shyt about the Battle of Tshuhima untill a few minutes ago.
however, i do know that the Japanese eventually came to the conclusion that battle ships had hit a brick wall because of advances in airpower and the ability to launch it from carriers.
Japan through everything it had to destroy ships they knew where already outdated for modern warfare at Pearl Harbor.
Boom...all those battle ships gone.
now everyone knows that carriers are the shyt and the U.S. can make mad many of them.
broadside battles are the equivalent of men lining up to shoot at each other like in the civil war...madness.
it's the ultimate dikk measuring contest.