Lots of quotes of me stating facts and nothing changes that I never defended hitler.
Why didn't you post this comment
This is the real issue, your white savior class gets no praise and worship for me, not different than the shyt I said about the confederates.
I;m simply consistent, if I see a person say shyt I disagree with I call them out on it, and if they are right and telling the truth they are and I will agree with the truth.
You white liberal masters has your c00n ass caught in a matrix, if you are even black, and again. Post away. I don't care. I'm not changing anything I said because there is no need to.
The physics of hitting a nuclear missile in mid-flight are insane. It's much worse than shooting down scuds or whatever because they're traveling much much faster and can come from virtually any direction. The ICBMs damn near fall straight down out of the sky while the sub-launched missiles skirt just above the water out of view of radar.
Think about it this way. An ICBM can travel 15,000 miles/hour. That's 22,000 feet every second. So imagine the missile you're shooting at is a 100-foot-long target, that means you not only have to nail the exact flight path of the 100-foot target but you have to hit at the exact 0.005 second moment that it's occupying that particular tiny piece of space. If you miss by just 1/100th of a second then the missile is already 200 feet past you.
Is it possible to shoot down an ICBM? Yes. Is it something you want to count on, especially when the enemy might fire 20 of them or 50 of them? No no no no no no no.
Propaganda is a war tacticNo different from every war ever. Before social media all the propaganda was on broadcast television, before that they showed the films in the movie theater, before that they used to pass out leaflets. Every single war has heavy propaganda effort from both sides and this is just the current medium.
The stupid fukking thing is so many people in this thread just immediately regurgitating whatever propaganda narrative they see on social media without even doing the basic due diligence to understand if it's true or not or what the background is. They're literally pawns, and this thread is full of them (on both sides).
We've been seeing this dumb shyt in any thread where fools base their viewpoint on social media posts rather than any sort of serious research, but in a war where shyt happens fast and can't be verified immediately it's even worse.
Any physical object can be stopped..they don't need to hit it directly as its still an electronic device, but rather find a way to shut off its power in flight.
Another alt or zn idiot who cant read. Not surprisingBreh you're a Hitler apologist in 2022. You're either a retarded superc00n or a cac. There is literally no other explanation. Either way, please don't reproduce.
Shut off its power with exactly what as it passes by at 22,000 feet every fukking second.
Unless the US is sipping, it won't make it passed the Pacific Oceanit got more than enough range to hit NY.