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This forum is the only salvagable part of this forum. I can get through most of the comments without rolling my eyes.
The importance of historical linguistic details:
Here is a quick fact which makes it possible to understand that any such insignificant detail is revealing in historical linguistics. It is known that in Negro-Egyptian Semantics, words for " lung ", " liver " and " heart " belong to the same semantic field. This is what makes it possible to reconcile the k-B-B-D-D-D ' liver, Bantu-badi < * Kbadi " liver ", zandé bere " Liver ", Somali beer " liver ", and the Peul ber and le n. Gbodu "heart" on the other hand. Hence zandé bere < * Bari "liver" and n. Gbodu " heart " has the same root, the change of meaning by the median vowel (-O-to mean " heart " and-a-for " liver "). This simple alternation o / a is of great historical importance : they are signs of old préfixes prefixes: * O-Gbed-> Gbod-u " heart " and * A-Gbed-> *-I > * Bari > Beer " liver ". everything is understood then: the heart Was Male (active and hard organ) while the liver was female (mass and relatively passive). The male and female prefixes have thus shown themselves, respectively, of-and ama-bantu prefixes. (b) the existence of-O-(Mid-closed vowel initially closed-U-) in n. Gbod-u explains the conservation of LA-velaire gb while the presence of the open vowel-a-removes the labiovélarité from the initial consonant, passing from GB-to b -.
These are all the conclusions that can be drawn from this simple alternation of " heart " versus bere " liver ". it doesn't look like it, does it?
Lmao nah bro Not necessarily a major, I've been talking classes though. BTW check the Language thread in Higher Learning some gems from the squad in it.Ahhh as a linguistic major this is just fascinating. I talked to my prof about this Im gonna print this out and show it to him lmao.
Lmao nah bro Not necessarily a major, I've been talking classes though. BTW check the Language thread in Higher Learning some gems from the squad in it.
@Poitier @Diasporan Royalty Dr harnet is giving a free lecture on importing from Africaget in here
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Wil check out.@Poitier @Diasporan Royalty Dr harnet is giving a free lecture on importing from Africaget in here
You watching the stream? Its a natural resource that comes from a tree, its used for a shyt ton of thingsWhat do you mean?