Essential The Root Random Thoughts

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
@Diasporan Royalty - If you look at prominent Nigerians (writers, scientists, thinkers) it is evenly split between Yorubas and Igbos. But the most famous Nigerian writers, past and present, are Igbos

In terms of academic results, Igbo states score better on average in WAEC than Yoruba and Hausa states


The Nigerian guy who made the fastest computer was Yoruba tho.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
No offense but nowhere near the level of the Romans. Songhay takes that title. Hell Ethiopians and the Zulus can take that title more so than the Yoruba. Did the Yoruba subject many different ethnics?

Besides the feudal lord do NOT see it....

MAN!??? You do not see it!?

The Hausas like the English been getting their ass kicked/raped. The English were getting raped by Norsemen, French and many other people. The Hauses especially from Kano has been conquered so many times by surroundings Sudanic people.

However, like the English the Hausas made a come back and started conquering(even outside Nigeria) and subjecting others. Right before colonization and even today the Hausas are considered the elites of Nigeria and subject many other ethnic groups. Them along with their lackeys the Fulanis(Welsh or Scottish).

The Igbo are like Irish because they are trying break free(similar to the Irish and Northern Ireland). They are considered the "blacks" of Nigeria like the Irish in Europe. They are the MAIN enemy of the oppressor(Hausas/English) like the Irish. And the Hausa similar to what the English does with the Irish try and do everything in their power to hurt the Igbos.

Igbo also fighters like the Irish. You as a Nigerian/Igbo should obviously see the similarities between Hausa vs Igbo and English vs Irish.

Will respond to this in detail tomorrow but I will say that the Fulani are not lackeys to the Hausa. Other way around.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
No offense but nowhere near the level of the Romans. Songhay takes that title. Hell Ethiopians and the Zulus can take that title more so than the Yoruba. Did the Yoruba subject many different ethnics?

Besides the feudal lord do NOT see it....

MAN!??? You do not see it!?

The Hausas like the English been getting their ass kicked/raped. The English were getting raped by Norsemen, French and many other people. The Hauses especially from Kano has been conquered so many times by surroundings Sudanic people.

However, like the English the Hausas made a come back and started conquering(even outside Nigeria) and subjecting others. Right before colonization and even today the Hausas are considered the elites of Nigeria and subject many other ethnic groups. Them along with their lackeys the Fulanis(Welsh or Scottish).

The Igbo are like Irish because they are trying break free(similar to the Irish and Northern Ireland). They are considered the "blacks" of Nigeria like the Irish in Europe. They are the MAIN enemy of the oppressor(Hausas/English) like the Irish. And the Hausa similar to what the English does with the Irish try and do everything in their power to hurt the Igbos.

Igbo also fighters like the Irish. You as a Nigerian/Igbo should obviously see the similarities between Hausa vs Igbo and English vs Irish.

The Hausa city-states didn't have their asses kicked like the English. They remained fairly independent up until the revolution of Usman dan Fodio. Which heavily involved the Hausa peasantry against their lords - although they just replaced Hausa lords with Fulani ones....

Anyway, Russia is more apt due to the feudal nature of modern Hausa society like Russia. Moreover, don't forget that imperial Russia conquered a large territory although its elites became increasingly non-Russian (mostly German). As I said before, the Fulani weren't the lackeys. In fact, the Sokoto Caliphate is often called the Fulani Empire

The stereotype of Igbos is similar to the stereotypes of medieval and pre-modern Jews. We are seen as money-grubbing traders and cosmopolitans. We're willing to go anywhere so long as we're able to make a profit off of our hosts outside of Igboland. The Irish were largely a poor, impoverished peasantry in Ireland who didn't know their land. Igbos own a lot of land in Lagos and across the North.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
Every empire falls...

and you will be living through the fall of the usa :doomed:
i am going to be dead by the time this empire falls.. i am going to make the right moves so my kids can at least grow up in Africa :blessed: but i still will put them on game of WS and the globe effect of it :ufdup:

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
The Hausa city-states didn't have their asses kicked like the English. They remained fairly independent up until the revolution of Usman dan Fodio. Which heavily involved the Hausa peasantry against their lords - although they just replaced Hausa lords with Fulani ones....

Anyway, Russia is more apt due to the feudal nature of modern Hausa society like Russia. Moreover, don't forget that imperial Russia conquered a large territory although its elites became increasingly non-Russian (mostly German). As I said before, the Fulani weren't the lackeys. In fact, the Sokoto Caliphate is often called the Fulani Empire

The stereotype of Igbos is similar to the stereotypes of medieval and pre-modern Jews. We are seen as money-grubbing traders and cosmopolitans. We're willing to go anywhere so long as we're able to make a profit off of our hosts outside of Igboland. The Irish were largely a poor, impoverished peasantry in Ireland who didn't know their land. Igbos own a lot of land in Lagos and across the North.

@MansaMusa The Hausas were getting raped by the Songhays under Askia, Kanem Empire, Fulani people and many others. Kano sadly could never catch a break.

And NEVER knew the Russian elites were German. Thats new. Anyways your Igbo/Jewish comparison is an interesting one.

Anymore comparisons for other Africans?

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
@MansaMusa The Hausas were getting raped by the Songhays under Askia, Kanem Empire, Fulani people and many others. Kano sadly could never catch a break.

And NEVER knew the Russian elites were German. Thats new. Anyways your Igbo/Jewish comparison is an interesting one.

Anymore comparisons for other Africans?

I don't believe Songhai conquered all of the Hausa city states. Just Sokoto and maybe Kano. Correct me if I'm wrong though!

Romanovs kept marrying Germans. So much so, their blood was largely German by WWI. Also, many Russian aristocrats had recent German ancestry by then.

The Tutsi/Hutus are like Germans

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
lol... I'm watching this doc on Boko Haram in Chad.

And one of the Chadian military officials is ROASTING the Nigerian governments incompetence to deal with Boko Haram. DAMN!


The actions of the Nigerian gov't created Boko Haram. Of course Nigeria is too incompetent to defeat the group!