WWE Raw: The Rock's Injury Proves Why WWE Internet Fans Can't Have Nice Things | Bleacher Report
The Rock and the people used to be tighter than Brad Maddox's vest. But as one friend (The Rock) became more successful and famous, the other (the people) just languished, looking for something to complain about.
The rise of the internet gave the people a means to broadcast their endless gripes. They became angrier and more fickle. Jaded and more anti-establishment. Thankfully, they also became smaller, yet still very vocal.
Misery has always needed company, which would explain why The Rock left the WWE for seven years.
Yet its most frenetic fans persisted.
They complained that CM Punk was being under utilized. Then he won the WWE Championship.
CM Punk will leave the WWE sooner than later, likely before his prime is over. Admittedly, he gets bored very easily. Hopefully he doesn't become too successful because he'll certainly lose his core fanbase, much of which resides in chat rooms.
Quicker than a Big Show heel turn, internet fanatics were on to their next grievance:
Daniel Bryan was getting a raw deal. The electronic tantrums were especially popular when Bryan lost to Sheamus in 18 seconds.
Most settled down on that front after Bryan received a WWE Championship program against CM Punk. A successful tag team run alongside Kane followed. Now hes palling around with The Undertaker.
The latest topic of concern pertains to Dolph Ziggler, who has been a hero of the internet wrestling community for quite some time. Just look at some of the the comments that surface when his immortality is called into question. Or just wait.
Ziggler finally scored a legitimate world title win with a Money in the Bank victory over Alberto Del Rio on Raw. He won't have to worry about his thousands eventually turning on him.
Hell never be that successful.
Ziggler's victory drew the loudest pop of the night from a crowd that was historically hot. That same crowd inexplicably booed The Rock, who was unable to appear on Raw due to a serious abdominal injury that will require rehab.
And that's the mother-flipping thanks he gets?
As united as the boo birds were on Raw, they are hardly representative of the less myopic casual fanbase.
The sentiments of that rare, post-WrestleMania crowd are closer to what one would find on a message board.
Case in point, Dolph Ziggler was the most over wrestler in the building. Main eventing a grand total of zero WrestleManias in almost 10 years with the company, Dolph has yet to draw a doodle let alone a dime.
After saving franchises such as Fast and Furious, Journey, and G.I. Joe, The Rock followed suit with WrestleMania.
The WWE's chief brand was struggling, failing to draw over one million buys in the two years following WrestleMania XXIV. Desperate measures by the WWE led to the charitable return of The Rock.
Since returning, he has appeared on WrestleManias XXVII to XXIX. Two of the three most attended WrestleManias in history have occurred in the three years since The Rock came back. WrestleMania XXIX drew the second-highest attendance figures in WWE history, second only to a widely-disputed WrestelMania III number.
Pending WrestleMania XXIX figures, WrestleMania has drawn over one million buys in each year since The Rocks recent run.
Despite Dwayne's Midas touch, there has been a palpable tone of pettiness throughout the WWE's product. Far be it of the WWE to have its flaws exposed by needing an Attitude Era star to come to the rescue.
Clueless wrestlers quipped that he's taking their spot. In 2012, WWE booked John Cena to remind its easily-influenced fanbase that Rock is a visitor who has gone Hollywood.
Then there are the hardcore fans, defined by tunnel vision.
Always appalled by success, hardcore fans did anything but waste the first opportunity they had to turn on The Rock.
Rock and WWE's quid-quo-pro romance should end now. The Rock does not need the WWE, and the WWE doesn't deserve The Rock. The promotion has already made its millions on the dead bodies of your favorite wrestlers. So The Rock made a wise choice by going Hollywood.
Now, maybe Dolph Ziggler can headline next year's WrestleMania after all.
All 500,00 buys of it.
If that happened, theres no question whose phone would be ringing once the WWEs weak star-making process fails them yet again.
If Dwayne Johnson knows any better, that call will go straight to the people's voicemail.