You promise to be fair and balanced and remain calm under a swarm of posts you don't like? Do you promise not to abuse your power as a moderator on this here great site? Will you ignore any personal bias against any fighters, opinions, or posters from this day on and conduct yourself as an impartial authority figure?
dont mind him breh...i look down on posts of the following nature
fake militancy - self explanatory
unprovoked race baiting without proper context - posts that accuse black posters of not supporting black fighters for no good reason and subsequent use of choice slurs
sexual harassment - multiple posts of wanting a fellow breh to reveal himself in not only pics but wanting to know what he sounds like
..there are multiple LGBT groups on the webs that cater to that
chances are posts of these nature and we wont have much to talk about lol...i do agree with
@krackdagawd being what he is..he's a real ass dude both on and off here
there were plenty of good choices besides Krack...ppl other than myself that i thought would be better for a mod..i said it plenty of times but people have spoken...it is what it is
...i have no rooting interests other doing what needs to be done for the ring...thanks cook and brook for hooking it up