Dude tells his life story, and stays in a pretty reasonable wide lane. He talks about his struggles in the rap game, he brags on straight up skill, he talks about his own life, his brothers, Geezy, he tells stories, he raps in first person about selling coke, present day, when we know it's just music. It's not that different from a lot of guys.
It's certainly not different at all from Jeezy, from Bleek, from Jim Jones, even Drake. It's just Drake not a hustler. Drake never sold drugs, so he can't go that route,. But's he certainly beat everything else to death, and that's fine, you have to tell YOUR story.
The whole subject matter conversation is a weird one. He does his thing but he always ups the quality every time. Not saying Jay should have done the same, but there's whole albums where we would have rather heard Jay get in his hustler lane, rather than talk about button up shirts and beach chairs.
I like Bleek too, but he's just drunk and having fun, that's the whole point of the podcast. Barbershop/cook out convo.