This is the outside the box thinking that I like. Black folks are so narrow minded; they can not understand set ups and shyt. Thats why were always the victim and not the victimizer; you have a dingy white guy in a all black church and nobody looks at him sideways. But if a dingy black man walks into a all white church; they will watch his every step.
So true. What's funny to me is how we believe in a group of people who have committed the worst atrocities in recent human history. I'm talking about the European. We believe his news, politics and everything else they say. They just sentenced one of the friends of the BM bombings to 2.5 years in prison. By the government's own admission, he had no prior knowledge of the incident yet he is in the pokie. His brother is dead and he is clinked up for trying to destroy evidence of him knowing the Tsurnaev (sp) brothers. Who could blame him? He knows he would be persecuted regardless so he tried to cover up his relationship with them. They always find a way to connect the dots when a non white or Muslim person does something like this but when these sick ass white dudes do it the narrative is usually they acted alone. Remember the episode of The Wire where they said following drugs gets you drug dealers but following money will get you to a place where you make some important people very nervous. If the US government actually pursued the angle they do with Al Qeada there would a lot of people in powerful positions in trouble. I'm talking judges, politicians, and law enforcement officials in the big house because you know many of them support these groups and if you look hard enough you would catch them. That's why they won't look.Yup.
We're to easily programmed and reactionary with slim to no analytical reasoning skills.
Thats the thing. They definitely noticed him, but instead of being cautious/suspicious they were probably trying to put on their best show for him. I still don't see how he was able to reload 5 times with people begging him to stop.This is the outside the box thinking that I like. Black folks are so narrow minded; they can not understand set ups and shyt. Thats why were always the victim and not the victimizer; you have a dingy white guy in a all black church and nobody looks at him sideways. But if a dingy black man walks into a all white church; they will watch his every step.
Well lets.wait to see if he has any ties to white supremacist organizations first.You are connecting dots that don't exist.