Right! Literally taking nikkas out to 2 for $20 and getting them to cooperate.How y'all can ride with this nikka after seeing that tape is beyond me. He even tried to say it was his own brother.He's also mad cheap with these payoffs.
Can someone educate me on why Michael Jackson didn't get half the backlash R kelly got? Was it because Kellz actually had a video? If you google Michael jackson out of court settlement, it looks like he did a lot of settling out of court. Ok and the judge dismissed a case
Michael Jackson Sex Abuse Lawsuit Dismissed.
No video
No social media
Michael Jackson was a money maker to the day he died
look at the age of consent by state, he probably met each of the standards and none of the women said they were assaulted
How y'all can ride with this nikka after seeing that tape is beyond me. He even tried to say it was his own brother.He's also mad cheap with these payoffs.
settling is not an admission of guilt. Settling is just ending the fukkery and using money as a resource to do that. A lot of people just didn't/don't believe MJ did the shyt. Some people even think these allegations were put out there because he spoke out against a certain Israel based group and he was getting too powerful and rich. And you have people like Corey Feldman who's openly spoken about being raped in Hollywood and he said MJ never touched him.Can someone educate me on why Michael Jackson didn't get half the backlash R kelly got? Was it because Kellz actually had a video? If you google Michael jackson out of court settlement, it looks like he did a lot of settling out of court. Ok and the judge dismissed a case
Michael Jackson Sex Abuse Lawsuit Dismissed.
Cause the kid came out as a grown man and said nothing happens and that his father made him lie for the moneyCan someone educate me on why Michael Jackson didn't get half the backlash R kelly got? Was it because Kellz actually had a video? If you google Michael jackson out of court settlement, it looks like he did a lot of settling out of court. Ok and the judge dismissed a case
Michael Jackson Sex Abuse Lawsuit Dismissed.
Time stamped
5150 bout to be piff tomorrow niteCorey Holcombe about 1 or 2 years ago said that R Kelly was DL and actually had paid off some boys families too.
Well the wife said he been real inconsistent with those child support checks for his own kids smhRight! Literally taking nikkas out to 2 for $20 and getting them to cooperate.