Fast Money & Foreign Objects
Both sedans?
Sedan M3 loaded, Coupe 335I sport loaded, 335xi sedan , 335d sedan pretmium.
I've driven a lot of 335s.

Both sedans?
How'd you feel about that V8 in the S4 though? Finally have my eyes set on an S5 coupe (V8, not the new 3.0T) - I was content with going with the 3.2L A5 but once I heared that V8shyt literally sounds like thunder.
Sedan M3 loaded, Coupe 335I sport loaded, 335xi sedan , 335d sedan pretmium.
I've driven a lot of 335s.
Ive got the bi turbo with K04/K16s round 400 whp 400tq+.
It's just different.
I like the v8 especially the sound but I'm not big on the gas mpg though.
I've driven a sedan with a full miltek exhaust and it sounded great.
The performance is no where close to my B5 S4. I haven't driven the 3t but the gas mileage is great. The thing about the 4.2 is the engines a time bomb after 100k the timing belt chain is 3k plus to change and an engine is 10k.
The A5 like my A4 is overpriced.
Id rock an S5.
Any noticable differences between the coupe and sedan? I drove an 08 sedan same package as mine (wood grain, navi, etc) and was semi-impressed
but when I jumped in the coupe with the same options I was ike
I drove the xi as well and enjoyed it but it seemed to have a terrible fit and finish (probably had been in an accident prior)
All in all my experience with BMW has been above par. I checked out some audis and was VERY impressed with the handling and interiors, but I was never sold on some of their designs
Thanks breh. Yeah both will be pre-owned, whichever I go with. MPG not a huge concern cause my drive is about 5km in stop-n-go traffic to the train station, as I commute downtown.
Looking mainly at 09's. The S5 and the A5 3.2L both have about 80,000km (50,000 miles) so might get a 2-3 years before any major repairs, hopefully. Only concern is the obvious carbon build up which seems to require yearly maintenance. Might lean toward the 3.2L S-line as it isn't that much slower than the S5 and does get better MPG if that ends up playing a factor - and of course, insurance. That sound though... man.
The sedans seem more ridged to me. I also read all the xi's had sport springs, or maybe it was the coupes can't remember which. But it was something like that. That's good to hear. Yeah I didn't like some of the designs but eventually I came around. I think their interiors are second to none.
I think the handling on the Audi is better too but I don't have the experience to confirm that. That brings me to my next question. Coming from a muscle car that was pretty much just a bullet design to go fast in straight lines. I have found new respect for handling and weight distribution. I have been very impressed with how the 335 handles and want to take a stab at some time attack runs.
Anybody in here with any experience at the track (not drag, I have plenty of exp on that)
Any noticable differences between the coupe and sedan? I drove an 08 sedan same package as mine (wood grain, navi, etc) and was semi-impressed
but when I jumped in the coupe with the same options I was ike
I drove the xi as well and enjoyed it but it seemed to have a terrible fit and finish (probably had been in an accident prior)
All in all my experience with BMW has been above par. I checked out some audis and was VERY impressed with the handling and interiors, but I was never sold on some of their designs
I had both sedan is more grounded and feels more stable at higher speeds never felt safe at a high speed in coupe
Someone spilled some shyt in the back of my car the carpet looks scust
Any advice on what to use to get stains from the rug and carpet?
White vinegar mixed with water, no joke. Let is soak for a bit, then scrub.
Ok imma try that is my car gonna smell.
What to use to to remove the odor?
It actually goes away quicker than you think. I just put a few regular car fresheners under the seats, and shot a few sprays of febreeze and it was barely noticeable.
Ty breh I really appreciate it imma do it tomorrow and let u know how it turns out.
K cool, I had to do the same with the Talon I posted earlier in the thread. Dude before me had crazy carpet stains. Like marker/mud and all sorts of shyt. Carpet was grey too so it showed with ease.
Warm water by the way.