The Plot Against America (2020): Official Trailer | HBO


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
Just as the show is finally getting really interesting, we're up to the series finale.
From where they are now they could actually do a whole season similar to the "flashbacks" we saw of John Smith's past from "The Man in the High Castle".

NY's #1 Draft Pick

Apr 30, 2012
Just got through the whole series this week.:ohhh::wow: The parallels between the show and current times were living in. How Germany had Lindbergh by the balls just like russia has trump by the balls. White supremacists getting brave, Republicans trying to steal elections:francis:


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
so many questions:

what did Alvin do to the plane?
Who won the election?
Did anyone put one in Bengelsdorfs head?how did a First Lady call for an election and the presidential succession act when it was already enforced by the VP? Did the nazis really have the baby?

it was also very interesting to watch the interactions between blacks and Jews as the show progressed

who was actually plotting against the US?
1.Alvin was part of a assassination/kidnapping plot
2.the American nazis were plotting against Jewish Americans
3.the govt plot by wheeler and ford
4.the throwing of the last election with it being unclear who the ballots were being thrown out on behalf for (I would assume by the republicans since it was Essex county, heavily Jewish and black populations at that time)
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May 16, 2015
so many questions:

what did Alvin do to the plane?
Who won the election?
Did anyone put one in Bengelsdorfs head?how did a First Lady call for an election and the presidential succession act when it was already enforced by the VP? Did the nazis really have the baby?

it was also very interesting to watch the interactions between blacks and Jews as the show progressed

who was actually plotting against the US?
1.Alvin was part of a assassination/kidnapping plot
2.the American nazis were plotting against Jewish Americans
3.the govt plot by wheeler and ford
4.the throwing of the last election with it being unclear who the ballots were being thrown out on behalf for (I would assume by the republicans since it was Essex county, heavily Jewish and black populations at that time)

Alvin was to monitor it by radar. But it turns out they took care of Lindbergh's plane without him having to do much. Canadians may have disappeared him - no one knows for sure. Early 40s, Lindbergh on his own, tech and rules weren't there to protect him. Looks :francis: in retrospect.

Election winner undetermined. And if you know the history of how the mob may have fixed Illinois for Kennedy in 1960 (see THE IRISHMAN) we don't even know who it was being fixed for - it might have been Roosevelt to make sure the Republicans didn't get back in. Remember, you had the Jewish mob protecting the hood and allied with the Italians, so it's possible. larger point is it's all dirty and dangerous, a broken system.

The shyt about Lindbergh's son was bullshyt - Lindbergh was a willing Nazi collab, it just happens his wife wasn't quite as bad and wanted to remove the stain from her name. The Rabbi and Winona believed the story to protect themselves from having a permanently ruined rep with everybody, but it probly wundt help. Ironic Rabbi reading Kafka's The Trial in one of the last scenes - that story is about someone accused for unknown/incorrect reasons - he and she were just always in bad denial. So the scenes where mama threw Winona's ass to the curb with "Call von Ribetropp" was :banderas:

Finale to me was so good it made the preceding 5 episodes better. And them boys and the phone convos with mama mane... :damn::to:


Oct 31, 2017
West Coast
so many questions:

what did Alvin do to the plane?
Who won the election?
Did anyone put one in Bengelsdorfs head?how did a First Lady call for an election and the presidential succession act when it was already enforced by the VP? Did the nazis really have the baby?

it was also very interesting to watch the interactions between blacks and Jews as the show progressed

who was actually plotting against the US?
1.Alvin was part of a assassination/kidnapping plot
2.the American nazis were plotting against Jewish Americans
3.the govt plot by wheeler and ford
4.the throwing of the last election with it being unclear who the ballots were being thrown out on behalf for (I would assume by the republicans since it was Essex county, heavily Jewish and black populations at that time)

(what did Alvin do to the plane?)

- I don't think we're ever meant to really be sure Alvin did *anything* to the plane. From what I understand, there were several different men with Alvin's same skill set stationed at key points under Lindbergh's flight path with similar equipment. As sort of sloppily explained in an earlier episode, the Canadian and British governments were working on some kind of tech that would allow them to use radar to locate a specific plane (in this case, Lindbergh's) and down it in some way.

(Who won the election?)

- We don't and are not meant to know for sure who won the election, but certain context clues are there to give you some not-too-subtle hints as to the outcome.

If you'll recall, there were several non-dialogue scenes where what was going on was pretty apparent, but just in case, there were also scenes of trench coat clad white men walking into polling places in minority communities and suspiciously removing machines. One in particular showed a voting machine being removed from a polling location by yet another trench coat and as he walks past the crowd, an obviously Jewish, heavily accented older man asks why he's removing the machine, yet the trench coat guy simply says "It's broken" and moves on.

There are also several instances where black people are shown to be punching their ballots and then the scene immediately cuts to men burning ballots in open fields. Now sure I guess there's some argument to be made about Jewish and Irish mobs etc, but nothing about those scenes lead me to believe it was any of those groups helping to "fix" the election.

Matter of fact, they made it clear that the Jewish mob especially held no power given that it was revealed that the Jewish gangsters sent to protect/patrol that neighborhood were murdered by the cops themselves.

(how did a First Lady call for an election and the presidential succession act)

- She didn't. It was a simple radio address/plea to the Gov't and American public. Her call for an election was because by that point, the VP had proven himself corrupt and compromised but not yet been removed. He had illegally had her committed to a mental institution (aka kidnapping) and attempted to install a puppet government. Obviously, she had no real legal or presidential power, but she brought up the Succession Act basically as a plea for the second in line, The Speaker of the House, to step forward and become interim president until election day. At least that's how I took it anyway.

And as far as the Rabbi, IIRC in the novel the "Lindbergh was being blackmailed!1!!11!" was a conspiracy theory he managed to successfully peddle to a decent number of people and in fact, (again, in the novel) actually went on to write a book about such a conspiracy that was popular among other Jews who also didn't want to believe they had supported a Nazi all along.

However in the show I think it was made clear that in the end he was disgraced and humiliated and his outrageous theory that Lindy was a Jew lover who had simply been blackmailed and misunderstood all along was an embarrassing lie he told himself.

Even his wife thought he was full of shyt by that point and didn't *actually* BELIEVE this theory, despite what she had earlier told her sister. The contemptuous look and eyeroll she gives him as he's explaining his bullshyt to other senior members of his Synagogue says it all.
May 7, 2012
I thought this show was dope. :manny:

Watching shows like this however just make me angrier at Hollywood. They continuously paint Germans/Nazis as pure evil and create shows like this with an alternate reality to explore how this could easily play out in the US, but you don’t need an alternate reality to shine light on truly evil people in power in America. It’s the story they just don’t want to tell cuz the descendants of those people are still in power today.


All Star
Jul 2, 2018
Uptown NY
Ok show 7/10
the kkk burning seldon's mom :to:

I looked up Charles Lindbergh after finishing the show and that cac was a hardcore white supremacist. The shyt that came out of his mouth :snoop:

"We can have peace and security only so long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood, only so long as we guard ourselves against attack by foreign armies and dilution by foreign races"

Lindbergh considered Russia a "semi-Asiatic" country compared to Germany, and he believed Communism was an ideology that would destroy the West's "racial strength" and replace everyone of European descent with "a pressing sea of Yellow, Black, and Brown". He stated that if he had to choose, he would rather see America allied with Nazi Germany than Soviet Russia. He preferred Nordics, but he believed, after Soviet Communism was defeated, Russia would be a valuable ally against potential aggression from East Asia.

Although Lindbergh considered Hitler a fanatic and avowed a belief in American democracy, he clearly stated elsewhere that he believed the survival of the white race was more important than the survival of democracy in Europe: "Our bond with Europe is one of race and not of political ideology," he declared
