Lemme get this straight, so from 97-98 R=G was watching Nitro and not Raw, so he missed the beginnings of his hero, father figure, and God. So Erik is no better than the guys he gets on for watching old clips on youtube because they weren't watching then. Like I said, the virgins style is beyond transparent. I feel bad because it's become obvious Erik hates himself. Erik hates on everything he is himself.
Hates on people that missed a certain era and caught up on youtube clips. Yet his own hero's beginnings and growth he missed because he was watcing Nitro and he had to catch up by watching youtube clips.
Hates on HBK fans because of their admiration for HBK, but no one admires another man harder than R=G admires the Rock.
Hates on those that have GF's and refers to them as whores but yet in the greater San Diego area his mother is known as "Rubber Hole"
Says we all have no lives but he stays posted on here 24/7/365
#figertipstokeyboards team autism.
It's all coming together now
I'm sure there are other examples