The People Vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story


Apr 30, 2012
The more u consider this video, the more its like the killer was trained or a professional.

Knew exactly where/how to hit and knock nicole out. And then knew exactly how to cut vocal chords to stop the other person screaming.

Uncle Juice ain't that good. Unless he was being trained by a hitman on the low.

Plus whoever did it seemingly knew Goldman was coming over.
OJ was still in shape breh. Any sort of blow could've rendered Nicole unconscious, if he sucker punched Ron it's safe to assume he rocked him or knocked him out. This is a former professional athlete we're talking about. He could've easily studied books on anatomy or books about serial killers and the like, to gain some knowledge on how best to kill someone. A pro would've done the job as clean as possible and not take the effort to stab them up so much.

The cleaner the killing the more it would've been plausible that someone else did it and not OJ. Ron had defense wounds but as I said, he could've been concussed from falling against the fence and at that point he was basically helpless.


#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012
The more u consider this video, the more its like the killer was trained or a professional.

Knew exactly where/how to hit and knock nicole out. And then knew exactly how to cut vocal chords to stop the other person screaming.

Uncle Juice ain't that good. Unless he was being trained by a hitman on the low.

Plus whoever did it seemingly knew Goldman was coming over.

Didn't know the death blow to Nicole was pulling her neck back with her hair from the back then putting the foot on her back and slicing from the left to right :demonic:

Yeah watching that animation kinda made it hard to picture him doing all of that but you can't put anything past anyone I guess. I don't think all of the DNA evidence was planted though.


May 26, 2012
San Diego

So OJ was crystal methed out when he and Kato went to McD's....and he was methd out when he was picked up by the limo driver and then with the pilots on the plane?

I've never done drugs, but that high doesn't come down that fast. And if you committed a vicious crime like this while zonked out, how do you maintain around ppl shortly after? :usure:

To me, at this point, the only thing guilty about OJ is the 1 hr time frame he can't be accounted for. The rest of the evidence is iffy.

I've shared some things about my life on here, but I wouldn't assume you would have read it....At risk of repeating myself, I did coke for years as a teenager, daily, up to a few grams a day when I was about 18.....I have been around it my whole life, never did crystal....Point being, it is incredibly possible, and I think probable, for OJ to have been high, he may appear distracted, disorganized, sweaty lol but nothing that would prevent him from taking a limo ride and boarding a plane....The kind of savagery seen in the murders....says cocaine or stimulant use...OJ had a history of cocaine use, as did Nicole. I can see crystal working it's way into the Hollywood circle, losers like Kato would find it cheaper and more effective the coke. The coke would just amplify his rage, his anger, his temper, also push him slightly past the point of thinking about, vs. doing it.....coke lowers your inhibitions, like alcohol, gives you confidence, euphoria, a few lines of coke before carrying out a murder or something similar, is the perfect drug, honestly. A few shots and a couple lines. I think the drugs are important, because it goes to state of goes to pushing him past the point of anger, and into action. This could be something he had been thinking about or planning, possibly while drunk/high/combination for weeks, or months before. He may not have planned to murder both, I think it's likely he didn't.....but he planned something. Black leather gloves and a wool cap? Or it could be he threw it all into action that night.

That is just like an addendum to, what I think, is a certainty that he committed the murders....I have NEVER seen someone with a respectable background in law enforcement put forth a counter theory...I have seen the, what I consider, laughable theories involving the mafia, drug dealers, hitman, and the Jason Simpson theory, all of which are based solely on circumstantial 'evidence'....No one with a serious grasp of Mafia of organized crime would think these murders were committed by a hitman....This is a crime of passion, rage, jealousy anger, obsession....


#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012

Watching this one and they're saying a lot of the stuff that @jadillac is saying. The defense wounds on Goldman don't match up to OJ who only had a few small cuts on his left hand (They actually show the defense wounds from Goldman's autopsy photos :scust:). Goldman was trained in Karate and they have a Karate dude explain the types of wounds the killer would have off his knowledge and reading the autopsy report. I know that one detective was freely walking around with OJ's blood which is suspect as fukk, but they said in the civil case it was revealed that the same guy received blood from Nicole and Ron from the coroners office. So with no chain of command, he supposedly was walking around with 100% of the blood that was related to the case. Some of the blood they claimed to find from OJ had traces of a chemical that could only come from blood that had been mixed in a vile :ohhh: im confused now


Jul 24, 2015
DNA proves OJ was at least at the scene of the murders but the evidence does not point to him being the killer.
Imo he probably had someone else kill them which is why he was there but couldn't have been the one to get into the physical altercation with Goldman.
Nicole had someone elses DNA under her fingernails as well which should have immediately clued anyone that OJ couldn't have been the one to kill her


Apr 30, 2012
I've shared some things about my life on here, but I wouldn't assume you would have read it....At risk of repeating myself, I did coke for years as a teenager, daily, up to a few grams a day when I was about 18.....I have been around it my whole life, never did crystal....Point being, it is incredibly possible, and I think probable, for OJ to have been high, he may appear distracted, disorganized, sweaty lol but nothing that would prevent him from taking a limo ride and boarding a plane....The kind of savagery seen in the murders....says cocaine or stimulant use...OJ had a history of cocaine use, as did Nicole. I can see crystal working it's way into the Hollywood circle, losers like Kato would find it cheaper and more effective the coke. The coke would just amplify his rage, his anger, his temper, also push him slightly past the point of thinking about, vs. doing it.....coke lowers your inhibitions, like alcohol, gives you confidence, euphoria, a few lines of coke before carrying out a murder or something similar, is the perfect drug, honestly. A few shots and a couple lines. I think the drugs are important, because it goes to state of goes to pushing him past the point of anger, and into action. This could be something he had been thinking about or planning, possibly while drunk/high/combination for weeks, or months before. He may not have planned to murder both, I think it's likely he didn't.....but he planned something. Black leather gloves and a wool cap? Or it could be he threw it all into action that night.

That is just like an addendum to, what I think, is a certainty that he committed the murders....I have NEVER seen someone with a respectable background in law enforcement put forth a counter theory...I have seen the, what I consider, laughable theories involving the mafia, drug dealers, hitman, and the Jason Simpson theory, all of which are based solely on circumstantial 'evidence'....No one with a serious grasp of Mafia of organized crime would think these murders were committed by a hitman....This is a crime of passion, rage, jealousy anger, obsession....

I have no problem with your drug theory, and I'm sure you know the effects first hand.....BUT if that's the case, then to me, under any level of influence, he would've been sloppy about something. Instead he covered all his bases completely.
He had no blood on in his Bronco, no blood in his house, shower, etc. Any blood found was proven to be planted/tampered with EDTA. No blood on his clothes, and no murder weapon....etc. If he was under the influence of something to make him act so crazily, he thought insanely clearly to cover it up.

I will say that if he was zonked out of his mind, then maybe that's why his demeanor was like it was after he was arrested and during the trial. He could've been so high that he doesn't remember anything. :heh: I've heard ppl on PCP do gruesome things.....but they always get caught b/c they're so high they're sloppy.
I wonder if he was ever drug tested when they drew his blood? :jbhmm: Seems like they would've done something like that.

But, let's say he went over to kill Nicole.....OK, how would he know Goldman was coming? Nicole likely isn't coming out the house for any other reason than to let Goldman in. So are you suggesting OJ would've gone into the house and killed her with his kids upstairs(he already had the gloves/hat/knife)? Not buying that... And in any other case, there's no way she let's him in dressed in all black with gloves in his hand and a hat. Whoever did it, it seems like they knew Goldman would be getting there at that time(maybe Goldman regularly came over at that time, I dunno). I'm not buying the "wrong place, wrong time accident" for Goldman.

Also, he had very little time to do this. He was at McD's and 30-40 mins later killing his wife and Goldman and then catch a plane. But, the Chicago trip could've been his planned cover-up if they errantly said the bodies were killed during the time he was on the plane. So again, it's like every point has a counterpoint.

Plus, what about Goldman's co-worker/friend who was killed in the same manner(throat slashed), another co-worker was killed too, and another co-worker had his car blown-up. All apart of some drug ring.

I'm not saying OJ didn't do it, but it's just not clear to say he definitely did.


Apr 30, 2012
Some of the blood they claimed to find from OJ had traces of a chemical that could only come from blood that had been mixed in a vile :ohhh:im confused now

Welcome to the terror dome. :demonic:

OJ was still in shape breh. Any sort of blow could've rendered Nicole unconscious, if he sucker punched Ron it's safe to assume he rocked him or knocked him out.

OJ wasn't really in shape. Look at the footage of when he was handcuffedin the white polo shirt....he wasn't in any sort of noticeable shape. Looked like a regular mid 40's dude to me. :manny: 15 + years past his athletic peak.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
He left two pieces of evidence at the scene of the crime......And, thats a fallacy that if he would have done drugs, he would have made a mistake. Often, the alternate theories are a case of applying 'evidence' to fit the crime....instead of letting the crime scene fit the suspect. It goes like this, it COULD have been a COULD have been a drug COULD have been a serial killer....but there is VERY little to suggest that it was. Whereas, with OJ, you have CLEAR motive and opportunity, and a lot more as far as evidence against him.....Thats why I am reading this book, which is the FBI profiler whose opinion I think is very solid....I have read him on Jon Benet Ramsey,West Memphis 3, Jack The Ripper, Zodiac, and dozens of lesser known cases, it's all about the profile of the offender, and how they reveal their traits through the crime scene they well as a litany of other procedures....I am not as up as I should be on the whole thing, (OJ murders) I'd like to know whether the Chicago tickets were purchased beforehand, or that night. I think it's likely he bought them that night, to start the alibi, and just get some distance between him and murders...mentally, and physically.

The physical stuff gets a little complicated, because of the LAPD bullshyt, but also, like the Steven Avery it gets so messy and so's hard to make sense of, in support for either side of the argument. The attack was over in less then 5 minutes, if that, I'd imagine. He had plenty of time, and all his alibis were thin to complete bullshyt anyway.....
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Apr 30, 2012

:heh: Look at him in this video. nikka can barely move in his fitness video.

I'm just saying, he wasn't in some tip-top shape



Apr 30, 2012

:heh: Look at him in this video. nikka can barely move in his fitness video.

I'm just saying, he wasn't in some tip-top shape

If he was tuned up on coke or something, and his adrenaline was pumping I still believe he had the strength to do it. Ron was 5'9 170 not exactly a big dude with stab wounds that could've easily nicked an artery. As he bled out he'd start to lose consciousness.


May 19, 2012
This show and reading these old stories and books make you really think twice if OJ did it or if he did do it was he alone? The biggest issue to me has always been that shoe print that matched his Bruno Magli shoe which would point to his guilt but then the fact that he has no bruises on him whatsoever which would point to him being not guilty.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
you know what's crazy... i'm watching x-files on netflix... season 2

anyways mulder is in some backwards hick town...

"so do these killings happen a lot out here"

"...................this isn't a town like this... and we definitely don't have celebrities being chased here with guns to their heads either"

like this shyt was literally everywhere.. look at the thread alone... longer than a damn game of thrones, walking dead, breaking bad season thread and we on episode 3.. and really had no offseason worth of posts to spark it up