The People Vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
'That we've got females ...and dumb n******, and all your Mexicans that can't even write the name of the car they drive.' - Speaking about LAPD changes

'If I'm wrestling around with some f****** n*****, and he gets me in my back, and he gets his hands on my gun. It's over.' - Speaking about threats to police

'She was afraid. He was a big n*****, and she was afraid.' - Describing suspect

'He was a n*****. He didn't belong. Two questions. And you are going: Where do you live? 22nd and Western. Where were you going? Well, I'm going to Fatburger. Where's Fatburger. He didn't know where Fatburger was? Get in the car.' - Describing suspect

'Commander Hickman, was a dikkhead. He should be shot. He did that for one thing. He wants to be chief, so he wants the city council, and the police commissioner, and all these n****** in L.A. City government and all of 'em should be lined up against a wall and f******' shot.' - Speaking about superior officer in LAPD

'You know these people here, we got all this money going to Ethiopia for what. To feed a bunch of dumb n****** that their own government won't even feed.' - On America aid to Africa

'People there don't want n****** in their town. People there don't want Mexicans in their town. They don't want anybody but good people in their town, and anyway you can do to get them out of there that's fine with them. We have no n****** where I grew up.' - On his hometown

'When I came on the job all my training officers were big guys and knowledgeable, some n*****'d get in their face, they just spin 'em around, choke 'em out until they dropped.' - Speaking against women on the force

'No, we have to eliminate a choke hold because a bunch of n****** down in the south end of L.A. said this is bad.' - On new LAPD regulations

'You know, policemen also use "Bubba" a lot, 'cause it's a slam term, because n****** you know they call each other Bubba. They go, hey Bubba, what's happening, like that.' - On police methods

'N*****. Stop them. See who they are.' - On stopping black people with no probable cause

'That's where n****** live.' - Describing LA neighborhood

'I mean, that's just the way you feel, you know. You've got 200 n****** that are trying to take you prisoner.' - On making arrests

'She's a policeman in this city, and don't you ever fight or f*** around with policemen. You'll do what you're told, you understand n*****.' - On suspects resisting arrest

'You just go out and what are gonna do with some n***** with a knife? Go "on guard?" I mean that's bullshyt.' - On LAPD coworker who took up fencing

'I used to go to work and practice movements. N******. They're easy. I used to practice my kicks.' - On why he takes martial arts classes

'Don't they think they are physically capable? They can arm wrestle 6'7" n******.' - On women playing football

'We stopped the choke because a bunch of n****** have a bunch of these organizations in the south end, and because all n****** are choked out and killed -- twelve in ten years. Really is extraordinary, isn't it?' - On new LAPD regulations

'Go to Wilshire division. Wilshire division is all n******. All n******, n***** training officers, n*****( ...with three years on the job. Think of that 3 plus 1.' - On a police division

'He grew up in school with all blacks, and every time a n***** looked at him, he'd jump them cause he figured they were going to jump on him, so he might as well start the fight right now and get it over with.' - Describing his partner on the force

'Westwood is gone, the n****** have discovered it. When they start moving into Redondo and Torrance. Torrance is considered the last white middle class society.' - On racial makeup of neighborhoods in LA

'They don't do anything; they don't go out there and initiate a contact with some 6'5" n***** that's been in prison for 7 years pumping weights.' - On female police officers

'They have a bunch of n****** up there, two guys, they're like 5'6", they got punched right in the face.' - On working Mardi Gras

'There is going to be a massacre in the future and they know that. There is the Rolling 60's, n***** group they went into a sporting good store and stole 50 Uzis, 3,000 rounds.' - On gun control

'These n******, they run like rabbits, ...some policemen just sit there and they look, you have to tell them what to do.' - On apprehending suspects

'What if I've just been raped by two buck n******, and a female shows up?' - Discussing a rape victim

'Now, it's funny because guys in Internal Affairs go, "Mark, you can do just about anything. Get in a bar fight. We'd love to investigate just some good 'ol boy beating up a n***** in a bar."' - On his fellow officer s on the force

'It's pretty clear-cut who the a$$holes are. You go to Pacoima, you got bikers and n******.' - On racial makeup of LA

'N***** drivin' a Porsche that doesn't look like he's got a $300 suit on, you always stop him.' - On racial profiling suspects

'How do you intellectualize when you punch the hell out of a n*****? He either deserves it or he doesn't.' - On making decisions at crime scenes

'I mean narcotics isn't full of n****** and Mexicans. They're full of white guys that wear cowboy boots.' - Describing LAPD narcotics unit

'First thing, anything out of a n*****'s mouth for the first five or six sentences is a f****** lie. That is just right out. There has got to be a reason why he is going to tell you the truth.' - On questioning suspects

'We basically get impatient with him being so f****** stupid. Which I thought he was. So I just handcuffed him and went the scenic route to the station. We searched him again and found the gun. Went over to the baseball diamond and talked to him. When I left, Dana goes, "No blood Mark." "No problem, not even any marks, Dana." Just body shots. Did you ever try to find a bruise on a n*****. It is pretty tough, huh?' - On dealing with a suspect

'Leave that old station. Man, it has the smell of n****** that have been beaten and killed in there for years.' - On construction of a new police stations

Read more: Mark Fuhrman Tapes: Full transcript of racial slurs used by detective
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Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
That was a great shot of Fuhrman in the back of the car going to the courthouse.

Wouldn't let you see his face, but you know it's the villain.

Yeah this show has some dope nuanced camera shots. I like the one when Johnnie and the other Black lawyers is getting out the Caddy at the courthouse after they got tapes and they all cheesing and shyt and the camera is shooting up at them almost like a Spike Lee shot. Like that whole camera angle and the shyt they was smiling about was nikka shyt

Edit- listened to some of those Fuhrman tapes on YouTube. Yikes. Had no clue they were that bad. That's some foul shyt that pig was spewin. And Fox News still got the nerve to have that fool on as a "crime expert"

Raw Lyrics

Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
Watched the latest episode again. :banderas:

Can some lawyer/legal brehs explain this part I didn't understand. Why did part of the tapes get played in court, even though Judge Ito already read the transcripts? :lupe:

Damn that is crazy as fukk this trial wasn't considered a mistrial, how did they even manage to keep that. I guess that is why Ito kept parts of the Furhman tapes that related only to perjury.

The tapes played in court were part of a hearing to determine the relevancy and whether or not the jury would get to hear them, and if so, which parts they would get to hear.

Aug 17, 2013



May 1, 2012
Dude was like first on the scene had access to all the evidence , and was the first to find the "glove"
It's always funny to me when people always go back to the "mountain of evidence" and say who cares if Fuhrman was a racist that has nothing to do with the trial ignoring that it was basically Fuhrman that found the majority of the evidence.

But a part a lot of people miss is that the jury didn't even see Fuhrman pleading the 5th to the question of if he planted evidence or not so that didn't even factor into their verdict. I really don't get why the jury wouldn't be allowed to see that in first place.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It's crazy whennyou think of it, this is a guy that hated blacks, hated seeing black men with white women , thought blacks were just wild animals, and here you have orenthal j simpson a rich black American who mingled with celebs starred in movies, canoodle and cavorted with white women and now his former white wife is dead.

I wouldn't put anything past furhman

It's always funny to me when people always go back to the "mountain of evidence" and say who cares if Fuhrman was a racist that has nothing to do with the trial ignoring that it was basically Fuhrman that found the majority of the evidence.

But a part a lot of people miss is that the jury didn't even see Fuhrman pleading the 5th to the question of if he planted evidence or not so that didn't even factor into their verdict. I really don't get why the jury wouldn't be allowed to see that in first place.