The Pandemic Could Overwhelm the Insurance Industry; Expand Tricare for Everybody Who Needs It

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
I'm talking about right now. With the existing law. Not a proposed public option or Medicare for all.

Well most would go to community healthcare centers, which actually already practice this, by enrolling ppl in Medicaid at those centers.

I live in Atlanta, where the CDC is headquartered. Due to being in a black city with the leading health institute in America, you inevitably meet the best of the best pro-black individuals with the top PhD and masters degrees in the country that work for the cdc.

There was a systematic effort to work with the Medicare for all contention of the Democratic Party with a bill written by the best of the best minds within the black community to expand funding for community health centers significantly.

Black politicians led the effort, it was given to Clayburn who then literally handed the bill to Bernie. Bernie then cosponsored it 2019. It had zero chance of actually passing but the leading healthcare/political minds actually putting in work (not typing on the internet) blatantly expressed what our community needed.

It was the answer to the exact question you just asked @FAH1223 getting poor blacks healthcare with existing law. Laws already in place now to get black ppl healthcare NOW!

once the primary’s came around, people waited to see what each candidates plan was to address the issues in black healthcare now. Forget the grandiose vision of Medicare for all or public option.

working within the current law of the land right now, which plan gets healthcare to black ppl as quickly as possible.

Bernie said he would fund community health centers more, but refused to provide an actual amount. Believing his Medicare for all mission took precedent.

Biden promised to double funding for community health centers. A metric we can hold him accountable for.

If you’re Clayburn and you extended the olive branch to Bernie in representing a state he obviously struggles in, showing him what we actually need, and then when it’s Bernie’s turn to incorporate that need in his policies but he doesn’t.

Would you endorse him or would you endorse the other guy who promises funding to your community with or without his “bigger health vision” even passing?

The choice is obvious. Yet the internet warriors hate the black “political elite”. It’s comical. :russ:

You post a lot about why Bernie didn’t attack Biden. He didn’t attack Biden bc Biden didn’t attack him.
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Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Well most would go to community healthcare centers, which actually already practice this, by enrolling ppl in Medicaid at those centers.

I live in Atlanta, where the CDC is headquartered. Due to being in a black city with the leading health institute in America, you inevitably meet the best of the best pro-black individuals with the top PhD and masters degrees in the country that work for the cdc.

There was a systematic effort to work with the Medicare for all contention of the Democratic Party with a bill written by the best of the best minds within the black community to expand funding for community health centers significantly.

Black politicians led the effort, it was given to Clayburn who then literally handed the bill to Bernie. Bernie then cosponsored it 2019. It had zero chance of actually passing but the leading healthcare/political minds actually putting in work (not typing on the internet) blatantly expressed what our community needed.

It was the answer to the exact question you just asked @FAH1223 getting poor blacks healthcare with existing law. Laws already in place now to get black ppl healthcare NOW!

once the primary’s came around, people waited to see what each candidates plan was to address the issues in black healthcare now. Forget the grandiose vision of Medicare for all or public option.

working within the current law of the land right now, which plan gets healthcare to black ppl as quickly as possible.

Bernie said he would fund community health centers more, but refused to provide an actual amount. Believing his Medicare for all mission took precedent.

Biden promised to double funding for community health centers. A metric we can hold him accountable for.

If you’re Clayburn and you extended the olive branch to Bernie in representing a state he obviously struggles in, showing him what we actually need, and then when it’s Bernie’s turn to incorporate that need in his policies but he doesn’t.

Would you endorse him or would you endorse the other guy who promises funding to your community with or without his “bigger health vision” even passing?

The choice is obvious. Yet the internet warriors hate the black “political elite”. It’s comical. :russ:

You post a lot about why Bernie didn’t attack Biden. He didn’t attack Biden bc Biden didn’t attack him.

This is about the easiest mechanism to get people insured... from the reading it looks like Tricare is the easiest lift. Lowering Medicare age takes time. Medicaid expansion was struck down cause of GOP states.

There is no public option right now.

Community Health Centers are obviously a really great tool that's been financed.

I'm not talking about the primary.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014

the only ppl the public option won’t cover are illegal immigrants and people who don’t want to pay for health insurance.

why are y’all so hell bent on forcing ppl to pay for something they don’t want or need?

Most men pay more into health insurance than the healthcare costs they put into the system until the age of 45.

if someone wants to pay out of pocket and take the individual mandate penalty to save a few grand a year. What’s wrong with that?


All Star
Jan 13, 2017
Patient Ethnicity Affects Triage Assessments and Patient Prioritization in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Emergency Departments

Patient Ethnicity Affects Triage Assessments and Patient Prioritization in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Emergency Departments

Our results suggest that the NHW patients may have received prioritized treatment (more urgent ESI scores) compared to African-American patients when lower levels of pain were reported and presumably with less overall patient complaints and greater clinical ambiguity

Whenever I post proof about how shytty the current public system is for blacks. Y’all usually don’t respond and disregard verifiable facts. Which only makes me distrust the public system even more.:francis:

Everyone knows doctors are racist, right now we're debating no care vs suboptimal care. your stat is focused on emergency care which is always relevant but many of us who advocated for an expanded public system are worried about preventative care, which is impossible for people who can't afford private care, and available for people with expanded public care.
British people are just as racist as Americans, but guess what, black people there live on average 5 years longer.

edit for sources:
black male life expectancy 69.1

Inequalities in healthy life expectancy between ethnic groups in England and Wales in 2001
lowest black male life expectancy 74


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The New York Times



The Trump administration decided against reopening the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces to new customers, despite broad layoffs and growing fears that people will be uninsured during the coronavirus outbreak.


Obamacare Markets Will Not Reopen, Trump Decides

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
Everyone knows doctors are racist, right now we're debating no care vs suboptimal care. your stat is focused on emergency care which is always relevant but many of us who advocated for an expanded public system are worried about preventative care, which is impossible for people who can't afford private care, and available for people with expanded public care.
British people are just as racist as Americans, but guess what, black people there live on average 5 years longer.

edit for sources:
black male life expectancy 69.1

Inequalities in healthy life expectancy between ethnic groups in England and Wales in 2001
lowest black male life expectancy 74

which is the prime reason I want to go to a black owned primary care doctor.

when my wife has children She wants to go to a black Woman gynecologist. She would have higher likelihood of not any complications if she saw someone of her own race.

in the UK you can’t even pick who treats u with maternity services.

There’s no fukking way I would ever give away her access to a gynecologist she wants and have her forced to visit someone she’s uncomfortable with. fukk that shyt.

Honestly most of y’all aren’t even arguing universal healthcare. The public option is universal healthcare. U just want Medicare for all, for ideology reasons. Bc the public option is universal healthcare. Y’all need to be honest with yourselves.


All Star
Jan 13, 2017
which is the prime reason I want to go to a black owned primary care doctor.

when my wife has children She wants to go to a black Woman gynecologist. She would have higher likelihood of not any complications if she saw someone of her own race.

in the UK you can’t even pick who treats u with maternity services.

There’s no fukking way I would ever give away her access to a gynecologist she wants and have her forced to visit someone she’s uncomfortable with. fukk that shyt.

Honestly most of y’all aren’t even arguing universal healthcare. The public option is universal healthcare. U just want Medicare for all, for ideology reasons. Bc the public option is universal healthcare. Y’all need to be honest with yourselves.
The public option isn't universal healthcare because it still leaves many people uninsured. It is a dramatic step forward in the right direction though.

I feel you on the other stuff but you got rich nikka problems and I'm trying to help the people with broke nikka problems. :yeshrug:

You can't argue with 5 extra years of life expectancy.

I think we get too caught up with the mechanism and not the goal. What I want is healthcare that is free at the point of use for everyone. You go to the healthcare provider and no one is asking you about finances at all. I don't care how we get there.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
The public option isn't universal healthcare because it still leaves many people uninsured. It is a dramatic step forward in the right direction though.

I feel you on the other stuff but you got rich nikka problems and I'm trying to help the people with broke nikka problems. :yeshrug:

You can't argue with 5 extra years of life expectancy.

I think we get too caught up with the mechanism and not the goal. What I want is healthcare that is free at the point of use for everyone. You go to the healthcare provider and no one is asking you about finances at all. I don't care how we get there.

who is left uninsured? Please provide proof of that.


All Star
Jan 13, 2017
who is left uninsured? Please provide proof of that.
Plan to Protect and Build on Obamacare | Joe Biden
As president, Biden will stop this reversal of the progress made by Obamacare. And he won’t stop there. He’ll also build on the Affordable Care Act with a plan to insure more than an estimated 97% of Americans. Here’s how:

Biden health plan aims far beyond legacy of 'Obamacare'
Overall, Biden's campaign estimates his plan would cover 97% of those eligible.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014

Thank god you actually provided proof.

Here’s how the Bernie lies for medicare for all get exposed pretty quick.

Are poor people left uninsured in Bidens public option plan? No :unimpressed:

Are families left insured under Bidens plan? No :unimpressed:

:mjtf:So who are these people?

Healthy typically young people who choose not to get health insurance from their employer Or the public option. :unimpressed:

:mjtf:Why would they do that?

:unimpressed:They’re grown adults who have basic math skills and realized it’s cheaper for them to pay out of pocket with the health insurance penalty,

:mjtf: But Bernie told me if 3% of the nation is insured 150,000 ppl will die.

:unimpressed:He’s taking the historical death rate for uninsured people and applying to that the population that will be uninsured under Bidens. Even tho 99% of those deaths historically go to poor ppl covered by Bidens plan.

:mjtf: Well that doesn’t make any sense.
It sounds like he’s not being truthful and being purposely misleading :francis:

:mjlol: It’s your first time listening to bernie huh?
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All Star
Jan 13, 2017
Thank god you actually provided proof.

Here’s how the Bernie lies for medicare for all get exposed pretty quick.

Are poor people left uninsured in Bidens public option plan? No :unimpressed:

Are families left insured under Bidens plan? No :unimpressed:

:mjtf:So who are these people?

Healthy typically young people who choose not to get health insurance from their employer Or the public option. :unimpressed:

:mjtf:Why would they do that?

:unimpressed:They’re grown adults who have basic math skills and realized it’s cheaper for them to pay out of pocket with the health insurance penalty,

:mjtf: But Bernie told me if 3% of the nation is insured 150,000 ppl will die.

:unimpressed:He’s taking the historical death rate for uninsured people and applying to that the population that will be uninsured under Bidens. Even tho 99% of those deaths historically go to poor ppl covered by Bidens plan.

:mjtf: Well that doesn’t make any sense.
It sounds like he’s not being truthful and being purposely misleading :francis:

:mjlol: It’s your first time listening to bernie huh?
:dahell:what are you talking about with all this death and bernie stuff. universal means 100% and biden's plans cover 97%. I like his plan but that's just a fact.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
:dahell:what are you talking about with all this death and bernie stuff. universal means 100% and biden's plans cover 97%. I like his plan but that's just a fact.

bc 3% of ppl don’t want insurance. There’s a sizeable population of the United States who don’t want to pay for any type of insurance.

They want to take that risk, and although I disagree with them and think it’s dumb. They have the right to do that or not :manny:

The public option isn’t just picking between private or public insurance. It’s also the option of picking neither. There are millions who choose to do that every year.


And those people vote. :unimpressed:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
which is the prime reason I want to go to a black owned primary care doctor.

when my wife has children She wants to go to a black Woman gynecologist. She would have higher likelihood of not any complications if she saw someone of her own race.

in the UK you can’t even pick who treats u with maternity services.

There’s no fukking way I would ever give away her access to a gynecologist she wants and have her forced to visit someone she’s uncomfortable with. fukk that shyt.

Honestly most of y’all aren’t even arguing universal healthcare. The public option is universal healthcare. U just want Medicare for all, for ideology reasons. Bc the public option is universal healthcare. Y’all need to be honest with yourselves.
I drive 25 miles to see my black physician :yeshrug: