you mean they are real twins?sarah and helena are the originals... the rest are clones of them.
you mean they are real twins?sarah and helena are the originals... the rest are clones of them.
they are the original successful experiment. there are real twins of each other. and all the other mufukkas are cloned from them. sarah and helena wont get sick and can have babies since their ovaries arent mean they are real twins?
Slam your fist with a gun in your hand brehs
Been trying to put a coworker on this for a minute, he finally started watching, almost done with the first season, but we were talking about it a few days ago and
Coworker: You know, this is gonna seem weird since they're played by the same person but
Me: Cosima the baddest one
every time i see that bish in them braids and glasses im just likeSlam your fist with a gun in your hand brehs
Been trying to put a coworker on this for a minute, he finally started watching, almost done with the first season, but we were talking about it a few days ago and
Coworker: You know, this is gonna seem weird since they're played by the same person but
Me: Cosima the baddest one