Well the season finale wrapped up most of the storylines for this season, while also setting up the next one. The Neolutionists are back in play and seem like they will be the major threat for season 4 with Rachel's mom leading the charge. Her new eye though

. It was cool seeing that Krystal was still alive, I thought she was one of the better new clones introduced.
Can't say the same for Delphine, who appears to be a goner. I wonder if that was Shay or somebody else who shot her.
Helena taking out Rudy and being reunited with Jesse was great. Overall I think the Castor clones were a disappointment, as the decision to make them mostly similar wasn't that interesting. It would have been better if there was some variety between them.
I hope with Kendall supplying the blood that Cosima can find a cure and no longer be sick. I would say the season started out lukewarm for me, but really heated up in the stretch run. I still think the show can get wrapped up in the conspiracies and multiple groups too much, but I will continue watching for Tatiana Maslany who continues to give one of the best performances on TV.