The funny thing is that this honestly is no surprise. The agenda against the game has been set for over a year now and the naysayers got what they wanted.

The funny thing is that this honestly is no surprise. The agenda against the game has been set for over a year now and the naysayers got what they wanted.
So lets go down the list shall we
KZ Shadow fall-Ass
Infamous SS-Ass
TLOU- Remaster doesn't count
Little Big Planet 3- Ass
Now The Order-Ass
So the big patches and people complaining are all for nothing? MONTHS after releaseis this a joke or just you being retarded? of course nikka....
now go that a way >>>>>>>
*continues laughing like a hyena at this trash ass game*
So the big patches and people complaining are all for nothing? MONTHS after release
A franchise like Halo which is beloved by people has a solid 3.0 rating out of 5 on Amazon, that speaks more than a metacritic average from "critics" who have been exposed time and time again.
Do you honestly feel it's some sort of conspiracy or something.
Like 50 writers band together just to pan the game.
The agenda talk is kinda out there
So lets go down the list shall we
KZ Shadow fall-Ass
Infamous SS-Ass
TLOU- Remaster doesn't count
Little Big Planet 3- Ass
Now The Order-Ass
Flabboi and the rest of the F level stans like "Quick!!! To the Bloodborne train!!!! Now!!!"
Infamous SS is not ass. Neither is Drive Club or LBP3. KZSF multi was fun. Didn't play Knack. But again, it's opinion so cool
Infamous SS is not ass. Neither is Drive Club or LBP3. KZSF multi was fun. Didn't play Knack. But again, it's opinion so cool
The fanboys mad as shytXbox just gave another massive update too.