Food ?
Ajna Soul Food...
Food ?
Far too many young black men use their third leg instead of their third eye....
@LastDayze333DegreeDemigod what you know about kratom breh? I know you wavy. Don't know whether to get red or green strain
green strain bali and such is more of an energy high,like some sativa type shyt..
the red vein gives you more of that opyeeit euphoria/relaxation type high,usually the one i fukk with when the smoke shop stocks it..
Maeng Da is like a hybrid of both..
you gonna send me some for my sagely wisdom..
tryin to get off them demonic pillow poppy plants or just looking for a new wave to sample..
@LastDayze333DegreeDemigod what you know about kratom breh? I know you wavy. Don't know whether to get red or green strain