The whole Divas division jobbed to AJ in a single match :deadrose:
CBSkyline Chill Joined Jul 3, 2012 Messages 7,749 Reputation 1,525 Daps 26,102 Apr 6, 2014 #6,736 The whole Divas division jobbed to AJ in a single match
Willy Waffle Willy Da Waffleman Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 6,353 Reputation 1,105 Daps 13,232 Reppin #GIANTS #KNICKS #RANGERS Apr 6, 2014 #6,737 real talk, mene gene need to sue dr phil cause son took his whole swag and ran with it
Apex Banned Joined Oct 8, 2013 Messages 8,099 Reputation -105 Daps 12,520 Apr 6, 2014 #6,738 Bryan winning will cheer us up.
Two Stacks New Orleans Shoe Lover Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 13,578 Reputation 1,107 Daps 17,629 Reppin New Orleans, Louisiana Apr 6, 2014 #6,739 Botch fall by tamina?
I-Hate-You Veteran Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 30,817 Reputation 2,974 Daps 63,797 Apr 6, 2014 #6,740 "Let me tell you something Mean Gene" :hulkpoint:
N Notorious 1 E.Y.E. Superstar Joined Nov 12, 2012 Messages 26,119 Reputation 1,827 Daps 52,516 Reppin the low end. southside chi Apr 6, 2014 #6,741 old school promo
Mikael Blowpiff #LosIngobernabrehs Joined May 4, 2012 Messages 7,645 Reputation 2,010 Daps 17,183 Apr 6, 2014 #6,742 listen to aj running shyt i never heard that note in her theme song before. it sounds like an old alarm clock or something.
listen to aj running shyt i never heard that note in her theme song before. it sounds like an old alarm clock or something.
ThiefyPoo Trill Supporter Joined Jul 24, 2012 Messages 27,674 Reputation 6,019 Daps 63,695 Apr 6, 2014 #6,743 g-ice said: The Divas are like The crowd already Click to expand... shyt wack
LezJepzin We Wavy Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 37,759 Reputation 5,056 Daps 86,060 Reppin 50East/Sacramento, CA Apr 6, 2014 #6,744 Guess she learned that from Punk in the bedroom
ThankUBasedBret Pro Joined Jan 23, 2014 Messages 632 Reputation 60 Daps 1,827 Apr 6, 2014 #6,745 Paul Orndoff..
Bud Bundy A Bundy never cares Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 13,984 Reputation 1,632 Daps 22,465 Apr 6, 2014 #6,746 These chicks need to do some squats alot of them have no ass.
ℒℴѵℯJay ELECTUA Return of the Khryst Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 78,135 Reputation 9,530 Daps 120,633 Reppin ℒℴѵℯJay ELECTUA Apr 6, 2014 #6,747 Lmao he's back!!!! Lol @piper..
3Rivers thaKEAF aint never lied Staff member Hall of Fame Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 34,469 Reputation 72,926 Daps 230,225 Reppin Steel City Apr 6, 2014 #6,748 Smackdown625 said: Click to expand...
FakeNews Superstar Joined Jun 6, 2012 Messages 23,647 Reputation 1,459 Daps 60,915 Reppin NULL Apr 6, 2014 #6,749 I still cant believe this shyt. Losing the streak to Brock? really??? Im not even a die hard Taker fan like that
I still cant believe this shyt. Losing the streak to Brock? really??? Im not even a die hard Taker fan like that
Broad Street Bully Sick & Tide Sixers/Phillies/Cowboys fan smh Joined Dec 1, 2013 Messages 21,372 Reputation 5,920 Daps 89,535 Reppin Philly. Fucc a Eagle. I mean dat. Apr 6, 2014 #6,750 damn orndorff old as hell looking like jerry stiller